claim 2. v. 1) требовать - claim damages - claim attention - claim one's right
claim 2. v.
claim 2. v. 2) претендовать, предъявлять претензию, заявлять права на что-л. (for) Magical properties are sometimes claimed for certain medicines. The discoverer claimed the island for the nation. - claim the victory
claim 2. v.
claim 2. v. 3) утверждать, заявлять
claim 2. v.
claim 2. v. 4) leg. возбуждать иск о возмещении убытков (against/from - против кого-л.; for - за что-л.) You should be able to claim against the car insurance. You should be able to claim the cost against the car insurance. Can I claim for yesterday's journey? Syn: see demand