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    LAX Los Angeles International Airport noun 
    • LAX Los Angeles International Airport noun международный аэропорт Лос-Анжелеса...

    airport noun 
    dispute 2. v. 
    • dispute 2. v. 1) спорить, дискутировать (with/against - с; on, about/over - о) The government and the farmers are disputing about/over the land for the airport. The farmers are disputing with the government about where the airport should be built....

    STOL port Short TakeOff and Landing airport noun 
    • STOL port Short TakeOff and Landing airport noun аэропорт для самолетов с укороченным пробегом...

    expropriate v. 
    • expropriate v. 1) экспроприировать (from) Much of the land for the airport was expropriated from local farmers....

    say 1. v. 
    • say 1. v. 4) приводить доводы, аргументы; свидетельствовать; to have nothing to say for oneself - не иметь, что сказать в свою защиту The villagers had plenty to say against the building of the new airport. Losing that contract doesn't say much for the directors skill in business....

    stick around 
    • stick around coll. слоняться поблизости, не уходить; I wasn't prepared to stick around at the airport for more than an hour, so I left when my friend's plane did not come in....

    chop down 
    • chop down а) срубать The whole forest was chopped down to make room for the new airport. б) разрушать что-л. The committee members chopped down the chairman's opinion....

    bargain on 
    • bargain on рассчитывать на кого-л., что-л. I'm bargaining on your help to drive us to the airport. Don't bargain on getting any support from her, she's very selfish. I wouldn't bargain on the speaker arriving soon, as he's got a long way to come....

    land 2. v. 
    • land 2. v. 4) aeron. приземляться, делать посадку (at; in) The airport was closed because of the snow, so we had to land at the neighbouring one. Pilots in training have to learn to land in a field....

    Fuel 2. v. 
    • Fuel 2. v. 3) заправлять(ся) горючим (тж. Fuel up) The long-distance plane has to stop at London Airport to fuel up....

    evict v. 
    • evict v. 2) оттягать по суду (землю и т. п.) (of, from - у) The family were evicted from their house for failing to pay the rent. The government evicted many farmers from their land, where the airport was planned. Syn: see remove...

    collect 1. v. 
    • collect 1. v. 7) coll. заходить за кем-л., чем-л. he went to collect his suitcase - он пошел за своим чемоданом to collect from - забирать кого-л., что-л. Will you collect my dress from the cleaners? I'll collect you from the airport...

    send off 
    • send off а) отсылать (письмо, посылку и т.п.) Have you sent the boxes off yet? б) прогонять; в) sport прогонять с поля Two players were sent off for bald rudeness. г) провожать, устраивать проводы Let's all go to the airport to send Jim off....

    paratroops noun 
    • paratroops noun pl. парашютные части; The airport is in the hands of French paratroops....

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