Российская Информационная Сеть


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    board II noun 
    • board II noun правление; совет; коллегия; департамент; министерство - Board of Directors - board of trustees - Board of Education - Board of Health - Board of Trade...

    BOD Board Of Directors noun 
    Board of Directors 
    fudge on 
    • fudge on отказываться дать прямой ответ The board of directors has been fudging on the question of pay increases for the workers....

    board out 
    • board out столоваться вне дома We'll have to board the cat out while we're away on holiday. Your family is so large that three of the children will have to board out....

    board I 2. v. 
    • board I 2. v. 2) столоваться (with - у кого-либо) Jim is boarding with Mrs King while he's in town. - board in - board out...

    set before 
    • set before а) представлять, излагать (факты, идею и т.п.) Your suggestion will be set before the board of directors at their next meeting. б) предлагать (что-л. на выбор) The government has set two choices before the voter: to control wages and prices, or to suffer further increases in the cost of living....

    go before 
    • go before а) жить/умереть раньше, чем кто-л. Let us remember all those who have gone before us, and have left us their example of Christian living. б) представать перед судом When you go before the judge, you must speak the exact truth. в) предлагаться на рассмотрение Your suggestion goes before the board of directors next week....

    iron out 
    • iron out сглаживать, улаживать The board of directors are trying to iron out the difficulties connected with the new contract....

    place 2. v. 
    • place 2. v. 2) помещать, отдавать, посылать (куда-л.); Your suggestion will be placed before the board of directors at their next meeting. We must make sure to place the children in the right school....

    send before 
    • send before а) предавать в руки закона Peter was sent before the court last week on a charge of drunken driving. б) представить (вопрос, предложение и т. п.) на обсуждение Your suggestion will be sent before the board of directors at their next meeting....

    board I 1. noun 
    • board I 1. noun 7) борт (судна) to come/go on board - сесть на корабль to go by the board - падать за борт; fig. быть выброшенным за борт - on board...

    board in 
    • board in столоваться The fruit pickers can board in or make their own arrangements for food....

    help 2. v. 
    • help 2. v. 3) (с модальным глаголом can, could) избежать, удержаться she can't help thinking of it - она не может не думать об этом I could not help laughing - я не мог удержаться от смеха; я не мог не засмеяться don't be longer than you can help - не оставайтесь дольше, чем надо - help along - help down - help in - help into - help off - help on - help out - help over - help up help along помогать продвигаться, развиваться Some public support might help the movement along. Our plan would be helped forward by a promise of money from the board of directors....

    come before 
    • come before а) предшествовать Did the invention of the telephone, come before the end of the last century? б) превосходить кого-л. рангом Members of the Royal Family come before lords and ladies. в) быть более важным, чем что-л. Consideration of a fellow worker's health must come before my own professional pride. г) представать перед судом When you come before the judge, you must speak the exact truth. д) рассматриваться Your suggestion came before the board of directors yesterday, but I haven't heard the result of their meeting....

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