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    hiding-place noun 
    flush from 
    • flush from сгонять, прогонять The police succeeded in flushing the criminals from their secret meeting place. You have to flush the birds from their hiding place before you shoot them....

    flush out 
    • flush out сгонять, прогонять The police succeeded in flushing the criminals from their secret meeting place. You have to flush the birds from their hiding place before you shoot them....

    place 1. noun 
    • place 1. noun 10) mining забой - in place of in the first (in the second) place во-первых (во-вторых) in the next place затем to keep smb. in his place не давать кому-л. зазнаваться - take place there is no place like home - в гостях хорошо, a дома лучше - another place Syn: see site...

    gun 2. v. 
    • gun 2. v. 2) охотиться (for) We know you told the police about our hiding place, so we'll be gunning for you when we get out of prison....

    hiding I noun 
    • hiding I noun порка to give smb. a good hiding - выдрать, отколотить кого-л. как следует...

    scent out 
    • scent out coll. разузнать, пронюхать; The police scented out the criminals' hiding place....

    impart v. 
    • impart v. 2) сообщать, передавать (знания, новости) (to) The prisoner hoped, by imparting his companions' hiding place to the police, to escape punishment on his own account. Syn: see tell...

    place 2. v. 
    • place 2. v. 12) находиться в определенном положении; поставить в определенное положение; What an awkward position I'm now placed in! You placed me in an impossible position with your behaviour. - place aside - place out to place one's cards on the table - раскрыть свои карты to place a construction on - по-своему понимать, интерпретировать; Make sure that you don't place the wrong construction on his remark. to place smth. on one side - отложить; She placed her sewing on one side when the telephone rang. Tom placed his new book on one side for a year. to place in jeopardy - поставить под угрозу; The miners' refusal to work has placed in jeopardy the nation's supply of coal. toplaceoneselfinsmb.'s position/shoes - поставить кого-л. на чье-л. место; Place yourself in my position, and then perhaps you'll stop complaining. to place a call to - заказать разговор по телефону; Ask my secretary to place a call to Head Office in London, will you? Syn: see happen...

    place 2. v. 
    • place 2. v. 9) возлагать (надежду, ответственность и т.п.); to place confidence in smb. - довериться кому-л.; Why are you trying to place the blame on me?...

    secure 1. adj. 
    • secure 1. adj. 3) безопасный, надежный; secure hiding place - надежное укрытие; secure from/against attack - защищенный от нападения...

    die down 
    • die down а) увядать The bushes may have died down in this cold autumn but they will grow again next spring. б) падать в обморок в) замирать (о звуке) The fire is dying down, put some more wood on! The wind died down at last and all was quiet. When the hunt has died down we shall be able to leave our hiding place....

    place 1. noun 
    • place 1. noun 2) жилище; усадьба; загородный дом; резиденция; - summer place come down to my place tonight приходи ко мне сегодня вечером...

    in hiding 
    place aside 
    • place aside а) прекратить (работу и т.п.) на некоторое время; Tom placed his new book aside for a year. б) положить конец (чему-л.); It's time to place our differences aside and work together. в) откладывать, копить (деньги); беречь (время); I have a little money placed aside for a rainy day. I've placed aside the whole weekend for househunting. г) приберегать, оставлять; Would you like us to place the rest of the wool aside for you?...

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