Российская Информационная Сеть


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    local 1. adj. 
    • local 1. adj. 1) местный; - local committee - local train - local engagement - local war - local board - local defence - Local Government Board - local name - local option - local veto - local examinations - local room - local adverb...

    Local Government Board 
    • Local Government Board департамент, ведающий местным самоуправлением...

    local board 
    local government 
    local 1. adj. 
    • local 1. adj. 2) распространенный в отдельных местах; частичный, частный (обыкн. quite local, very local); - local anaesthesia - local armistice...

    board II noun 
    • board II noun правление; совет; коллегия; департамент; министерство - Board of Directors - board of trustees - Board of Education - Board of Health - Board of Trade...

    government noun 
    government noun 
    • government noun 1) правительство - organs of government - general government - responsible government - invisible government...

    board out 
    • board out столоваться вне дома We'll have to board the cat out while we're away on holiday. Your family is so large that three of the children will have to board out....

    board I 2. v. 
    • board I 2. v. 2) столоваться (with - у кого-либо) Jim is boarding with Mrs King while he's in town. - board in - board out...

    erupt v. 
    • erupt v. 2) прорываться (into) The government is trying to stop local violence from erupting into civil war....

    conceive as 
    • conceive as считать Local government is conceived as a single means of sending messages between the elected councillors and the citizens....

    board I 1. noun 
    • board I 1. noun 7) борт (судна) to come/go on board - сесть на корабль to go by the board - падать за борт; fig. быть выброшенным за борт - on board...

    board in 
    • board in столоваться The fruit pickers can board in or make their own arrangements for food....

    set before 
    • set before а) представлять, излагать (факты, идею и т.п.) Your suggestion will be set before the board of directors at their next meeting. б) предлагать (что-л. на выбор) The government has set two choices before the voter: to control wages and prices, or to suffer further increases in the cost of living....

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