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    work-people noun 
    come next 
    • come next а) следовать (во времени) Who came next after that king? Mrs Brown was the first to arrive, and her daughter came next. б) быть результатом Everyone moved to the cities looking for work, and the severe lack of housing came next. The military government refused to allow the people their right to vote, what came next was violence and lawlessness. в) быть следующим пунктом действий I've finished that little job. what comes next? г) иметь меньшее значение, чем что-л. My family come first, and my work comes next....

    people 1. noun 
    • people 1. noun 2) as pl. люди; население; жители; - young people - country people people say that - говорят, что...

    set by 
    • set by а) откладывать (в сторону) She was reading a book, but set it by when the telephone rang. б) откладывать, прерывать (работу и т.п.) Tom had to set his new book by for a year. в) прекращать, приостанавливать (что-л.); положить конец (чему-л.) It's time to set our differences by and work together. г) откладывать, приберегать (деньги, время и т.п.) I have a little money set by for our holidays. I set the whole afternoon by for work on the book. to set great/much (little) store by ценить высоко (низко) to set people by the ears/at variance/at loggerheads ссорить, натравливать людей друг на друга...

    people 1. noun 
    • people 1. noun 3) as pl. родные, родственники; родители (обыкн. my people, his people и т.п.)...

    be hard at work 
    • be hard at work усердно работать I see the men are still hard at work - when do you think the digging will be finished? I like the classroom best when all the children are hard at work on ideas that they have chosen themselves....

    people of quality 
    • people of quality высшие классы общества, знать, господа (противоп. the common people)...

    stay on 
    • stay on продолжать оставаться; задерживаться; You're supposed to stop work here when you're 65, but many people are allowed to stay on....

    people 1. noun 
    • people 1. noun 6) (People) amer. leg. общественное обвинение, государство (как обвиняющая сторона на процессе) Syn: herd, hoi polloi, masses, mob, populace, rabble see folk Ant: aristocracy, elite, nobility, royalty...

    scoff I 2. v. 
    • scoff I 2. v. глумиться; насмехаться, поднимать на смех, осмеивать; People who are out of work cannot afford to scoff at any job. Syn: gibe, jeer, sneer, taunt Ant: praise...

    dump on 
    • dump on обманывать; извлекать выгоду I've been dumped on too often, I don't make the mistake of trusting people too far. I've had all this work dumped on me....

    combine with 
    • combine with сочетать; смешивать When rising prices are combined with a lack of jobs, many people suffer and the nation becomes poorer, if he can combine his natural ability with hard work, he should be very successful....

    shoulder aside 
    • shoulder aside а) отталкивать/отпихивать плечом That rude man shouldered me aside and got on the bus. б) coll. заставить уступить место (кому-л.) When jobs are scarce, young people entering the work tend to get shouldered aside in favour of experienced workers....

    carry on 
    • carry on а) продолжать; вести (дело) carry on! так держать!, продолжайте в том же духе! to carry on hostile acts совершать враждебные действия б) coll. флиртовать (with); иметь любовную связь The director has been carrying on with his secretary. в) вести себя запальчиво don't carry on so! веди себя спокойно!, не злись так! г) продолжать(ся) (о тексте) You'll have to carry that long word on to the next line. Don't stop reading there, the poem carries on over the page. д) возобновлять(ся) Don't let me interrupt you, just carry on. We must try to carry on as if nothing had happened. Carry on, men! Carry on the good work! I shall try to carry on the work in spite of difficulties. We must carry on hoping for the best. е) злиться на кого-л. The people upstairs were carrying on again last night, they had me quite worried. Our neighbour is always carrying on at her children....

    convert 2. v. 
    • convert 2. v. 2) обращать (на путь истины, в другую веру и т. п.) (from; to) Priests converted many people from the worship of the spirits of trees and rivers. Priests converted many people to Christianity. Many people willingly converted to Christian....

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