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accounts payable
- money that a company owes to creditors for goods and sericesproided....
accrued interest
- interest that is added to the current market price ofa bond. This interest has accrued since the last couponpayment of the bond up to the settlement date....
all-or-none order
- an order in which the broker is instructed to either executecompletely or not execute at all....
- an alternatie to suing in court to settle disputes withregard to securities transactions....
- anything haing commercial or exchange alue includingcash, inestments and property....
automated controlling system for trading in the stockmarket
- a computer system deeloped by the New York Stock Exchange(NYSE). It monitors suspicious signals in the trading systemand interrupts illegal operations....
basis point
- smallest measure used in quoting yields on bills, notesand bonds. One basis point equals 0.0001 or 0.01% of yieldor one one-hundredth of a percent of yield....
bear market
- a state of the market when prices of stocks or bonds mainlyfall....
bid-offer spread
- in a quotation, the difference between the bid and offer....
blue chip stock
- the issues of strong, well-established companies thathae demonstrated their ability to pay diidends in goodand bad times....
- an eidence of debt issued by corporations, municipalitiesand goernments. The issuer has a debt toward the holderof the bond. bonds usually pay interest annually or semi-annually.The original outstanding principal of the bond correspondsto the face alue of the debt which is repaid accordingto a certain maturity structure....
bond refinancing
- when a new bond is issued, the proceeds of which are usedto refinance an existing issue prior to the existing issue'smaturity....
bought deal
- an offering in which the lead underwriter buys all thesecurities from a company and becomes financially responsiblefor selling them. This is also called a firm commitment....
- an indiidual or firm that charges a fee or commissionfor acting as a licensed intermediary between a buyer andseller and executing buy and sell orders submitted by anotherindiidual or firm. A broker can offer adice on capitalinestments....
budget deficit
- "excess of spending oer income for an indiidual, corporationor goernment entity oer a specific period of time. Corporatebudget deficits must be reduced or eliminated by increasingsales and reducing expenditures; otherwise, the companyfaces bankruptcy in the long run. "...
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