выборка | описание |
corporate bond
- a bond (debt obligation) issued by a company as distinctfrom a bond issued by a goernment agency or municipality....
callable bond
- a type of bond issued with an option allowing the issuerto redeem the bond prior to maturity at a predeterminedprice. Usually, bonds are called when interest rates fallso significantly that the issuer can sae money by floatingnew bonds are lower rates....
coupon bond
- "a bond without the name of the owner printed on the faceof the bond and with detachable coupons that must be presentedto the paying agent or the issuer for interest paid annuallyor semi-annually. So called ""bearer bonds"" so whoeer presentsthe coupon is entitled to the interest. "...
- an eidence of debt issued by corporations, municipalitiesand goernments. The issuer has a debt toward the holderof the bond. bonds usually pay interest annually or semi-annually.The original outstanding principal of the bond correspondsto the face alue of the debt which is repaid accordingto a certain maturity structure....
- bank or other financial institution that protects theproperty or keeps custody of stock certificates and otherassets of a corporate client, indiidual or mutual fund....
oting right
- right possessed by owners of common shares to ote atshareholders meetings or in proxy on the election of directorsand on corporate resolutions. The number of otes of a shareholderdepends on the number of shares he/she possesses....
callable preferred stock
- a type of preferred stock linked to an option that giesthe corporate the right to call in the stock at a certainprice....
bond refinancing
- when a new bond is issued, the proceeds of which are usedto refinance an existing issue prior to the existing issue'smaturity....
accrued interest
- interest that is added to the current market price ofa bond. This interest has accrued since the last couponpayment of the bond up to the settlement date....
goernment bond
- a bond issued by goernment....
discount bond
- bonds selling below its redemption alue....
guaranteed bond
- a debt obligation in which a company other than the issuingcompany guarantees payment of the interests and principal....
- "a debt obligation backed by the general credit of theissuing corporation; an unsecured bond is a debenture. "...
yield to maturity
- the yield an inestor will receie when he buys a bondat the current market price and holds the bond up to thematurity date....
secured bonds
- bonds issued by corporations which are backed by certaincollaterals. in the eent of default, the collateral's areused to meet the outstanding interest payments and the redemptionof the bond....
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