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    taxing 2. adj. 
    motive 2. adj. 
    ascensional adj. 
    locomotive 2. adj. 
    natural 1. adj. 
    • natural 1. adj. 1) естественный, природный; to die a natural death - умереть естественной смертью; the term of one's natural life - вся жизнь; for the rest of one's natural (life) - до конца своих дней; natural power - силы природы; - natural resources - natural weapons - natural selection - natural phenomena...

    accumulation noun 
    • accumulation noun 2) накопление primitive accumulation econ. - первоначальное накопление accumulation of power - аккумулирование энергии accumulation of knowledge - накапливание знаний...

    utmost 2. noun 
    • utmost 2. noun самое большое, все возможное; to do one's utmost - сделать все возможное; he did the utmost of his power - он сделал все, что было в его силах...

    extent noun 
    • extent noun 2) степень, мера to what extent? - до какой степени, насколько? to the full extent of one's power - в полную силу to such an extent - до такой степени to exert oneself to the utmost extent - стараться изо всех сил - to a great extent Syn: see size...

    fawn II v. 
    • fawn II v. 2) подлизываться, прислуживаться, лебезить (on, upon) He fawns on his rich uncle, hoping to gain some of his money. It's no good fawning on the teacher, you have to earn good marks. The former servant gained power by fawning on the king. Syn: butter up, compliment, flatter, toady, truckle Ant: carp, condemn, criticize, dominate, insult, tyrannize...

    police 1. noun 
    vest 2. v. 
    • vest 2. v. 1) облекать (in/with - чем-л.); to vest smb. with power - облекать кого-л. властью; to vest rights in a person - наделять кого-л. правами...

    assumption noun 
    • assumption noun 1) присвоение, принятие на себя assumption of power - присвоение власти...

    accretion noun 
    • accretion noun 1) разрастание; прирост; приращение accretion of power - усиление власти accretion of territory - приращение территории accretion to the capital econ. - прирост стоимости капитала...

    boil down 
    • boil down а) уваривать(ся), выпаривать(ся), сгущать(ся) Use plenty of vegetables because the cooking boils them all down to a small quantity. Put a lot of the vegetable in the pan, it all boils down (to a small quantity). б) сокращать(ся), сжимать(ся) You can boil the long story down to a few sentences and it still has the same meaning. в) сводиться к чему-л The whole matter boils down to a power struggle between the trade union and the directors....

    combine 2. v. 
    • combine 2. v. 1) объединять(ся) против кого-л., чего-л. (against); с кем-л., чем-л. (with) убедить, обманом выманить The clever salesman cheated the old lady into (out of) giving him all her money. Small nations often have to combine against the power of a large one. Let us combine our two firms against our competitors. The members decided to combine the tennis club with the cricket club, forming one sports club. This chemical combines with air to form a liquid....

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