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    redeem v. 
    • redeem v. 5) спасать, избавлять; освобождать; to redeem a prisoner - освободить заключенного; Only the young singer's performance redeemed the concert from complete failure....

    commiserate with 
    • commiserate with выражать соболезнование кому-л. Thewholevillage commiserated with the farmers family in their sorrow. The teacher commiserated with the student on his failure....

    total 2. adj. 
    • total 2. adj. 2) полный, абсолютный; total eclipse astr. - полное затмение; total failure - полная неудача...

    foredoom v.; usu. pass. 
    • foredoom v.; usu. pass. 2) обрекать (to) it was an attempt foredoomed to failure - эта попытка была обречена на неудачу...

    sigh 2. v. 
    • sigh 2. v. 2) тосковать (for); оплакивать (over); Any woman sighs for a house of her own. It's no good sighing over a failure, it is better to start again. - sigh away - sigh out...

    gloss II 2. v. 
    • gloss II 2. v. 2) истолковывать благоприятно, замалчивая недостатки (часто gloss over) The school can hardly gloss over its failure to control these troublesome boys, now that the report is in all the papers...

    risk 2. v. 
    • risk 2. v. 2) отваживаться (на что-л.); to risk a stab in the back - подставлять спину под удар - risk failure Syn: see venture...

    gloat v. 
    • gloat v. 1) тайно злорадствовать, торжествовать (over) Jim likes to gloat over all the sports prizes he has won, which he keeps in a glass case. Our team are gloating over their victory. Don't you think it's a little unkind to gloat over your competitor's failure?...

    drift towards 
    • drift towards постепенно подходить к чему-л. is the world drifting towards war? The business seems to be drifting towards failure....

    rescue 2. v. 
    • rescue 2. v. 1) спасать; избавлять, освобождать; выручать; The child was rescued from the burning house by her uncle. Only the young singer's excellent performance rescued the concert from complete failure....

    cut away 
    • cut away а) срезать If you cut away some of the dead wood, you will have a healthier tree. б) coll. убегать...

    conspicuous adj. 
    • conspicuous adj. видный, заметный, бросающийся в глаза to make oneself conspicuous - обращать на себя внимание to be conspicuous by one's absence - блистать своим отсутствием - conspicuous failure Syn: see plain...

    paradox noun 
    • paradox noun 2) парадокс (высказывание, содержащее противоречащие друг другу части); Although I'm so successful I'm really rather a failure. That's a paradox, isn't it? Syn: enigma...

    externalize v. 
    • externalize v. 2) видеть причину во внешних обстоятельствах to externalize one's failure - приписать неудачу действию внешних факторов...

    spring from 
    • spring from а) неожиданно появиться откуда-л.; Where did you spring from? I didn't hear you coming; б) происходить откуда-л.; Her doubts spring from too much experience of failure....

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