Российская Информационная Сеть


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    coalition noun 
    paper 1. noun 
    carpet-bag noun 
    • carpet-bag noun саквояж (первоначально ковровый) - carpet-bag government...

    package 1. noun 
    • package 1. noun 6) комплексная сделка (тж. package deal); соглашение; предложение (тж. package offer); the government has announced a package of measures to help the British film industry - package plan - wage package - anti-inflation package...

    delude v. 
    • delude v. вводить в заблуждение (into), обманывать We have been deluded into false hopes by the government's meaningless promises. The clever salesman deluded the old lady into thinking that she would get rich if she lent him her money for his business. to delude oneself - заблуждаться; обманывать себя Syn: see trick...

    come next 
    • come next а) следовать (во времени) Who came next after that king? Mrs Brown was the first to arrive, and her daughter came next. б) быть результатом Everyone moved to the cities looking for work, and the severe lack of housing came next. The military government refused to allow the people their right to vote, what came next was violence and lawlessness. в) быть следующим пунктом действий I've finished that little job. what comes next? г) иметь меньшее значение, чем что-л. My family come first, and my work comes next....

    cabinet noun 
    • cabinet noun 5) attr. правительственный, министерский - cabinet council - cabinet crisis - Cabinet Minister - cabinet decision - Cabinet system of government - Cabinet Office...

    military 1. adj. 
    • military 1. adj. военный, воинский; - military age - military bearing - military chest - military engineering - military establishment - military execution - military government - military information - military oath - military post - military potential - military rank - military school - military academy - military service - military testament - military will - military pit...

    constitutional 1. adj. 
    cross over 
    • cross over а) переходить, пересекать, переезжать, переправляться Cross over at the traffic lights, where the road is safe. He crossed over to the window to see if it was still misty. If we had a boat we could cross over to the island. б) сменить политическую ориентацию The Minister has threatened to cross over to the other side if the government refuses to accept his decision. The politician crossed over and joined the Opposition....

    pump in 
    • pump in а) накачивать, нагнетать (воздух или жидкость); This tyre is flat, you didn't pump enough air in. б) coll. вкладывать, "вливать" (деньги, капитал); Unless the government pumps more money in, the whole shipbuilding industry will fail. в) coll. вдалбливать (что-л.); The advertising industry believes that if you can, by repetition, pump inenoughattractive information, the public will buy anything....

    office noun 
    • office noun 1) служба, должность; an office under Government - место на государственной службе; - honorary office - hold office - leave office - resign office - take office - enter upon office - be in office - get into office - come into office - win office...

    petticoat noun 
    recognize v. 
    • recognize v. 2) признавать (что-л., кого-л.); to recognize a new government - признать новое правительство; to recognize smb. as lawful heir - признать кого-л. законным наследником; The operation is not recognized as legal in many states. It did not take long for him to he recognized as the natural leader of his society....

    local 1. adj. 
    • local 1. adj. 1) местный; - local committee - local train - local engagement - local war - local board - local defence - Local Government Board - local name - local option - local veto - local examinations - local room - local adverb...

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