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    launch on 
    • launch on а) начинать; The opposition speaker launched a bitter attack to the government's mishandling of the taxpayer's money. б) предлагать, представлять; The musical theatre company is about to launch a new performer on the musical world. The firm is almost ready to launch its new product on the market. в) браться за что-л. (новое); The director has launched (out) on yet another plan for cutting costs....

    pull round 
    • pull round а) поправляться (после болезни); б) вылечивать; The doctors tried in vain to pull him round. в) спасти (от опасности, от краха, от поражения); A gift of money from the government helped to pull the theatre company round. г) заставить кого-л. изменить свое мнение; What can we do to pull more voters round (to our party)?...

    frame 1. noun 
    • frame 1. noun 3) строение, структура; система the frame of government - структура правительства - frame of society...

    rein 1. noun; oft. pl. 
    • rein 1. noun; oft. pl. 2) узда, сдерживающее средство; контроль; the reins of government - бразды правления; a tight rein - строгая дисциплина; to keep a tight rein on smb. - строго контролировать, держать в узде кого-л.; to give rein (the reins) to one's imagination (passions) - дать волю воображению (чувствам)...

    get round 
    • get round а) обмануть, перехитрить, обойти кого-л.; заставить сделать по-своему б) обходить (закон, вопрос и т.п.) If you are clever, you can sometimes get round the tax laws. в) amer. приезжать, прибывать When are you going to get round to our house? г) выздороветь Mother is much better now, thank you, she's able to gel round a bit more. д) распространять(ся) Stories have been getting round concerning the government's secret intentions. е) переубедить We'll soon get him round (to our point of view). ж) найти время для чего-л., кого-л. I should be able to get round to that job next week....

    put forth 
    • put forth а) obs. пускать (побеги); The bush put forth new branches. б) вытягивать, протягивать; The soldier put forth his hand, asking for mercy. в) напрягать (силы); прилагать усилия; Putting forth a great effort, he uprooted the tree. г) amer. предлагать; The heads of government have put forth a system for preventing world war. д) obs.; poet. отправляться, пускаться (в плавание, в путь); And when the storm had passed, three ships put forth to cross the ocean. е) obs. пускать в обращение; выпускать, издавать; The printers put forth three numbers of the magazine....

    clap on 
    • clap on а) быстро надевать что-л. He clapped on his hat and ran out of the house. б) делать резкое движение, рывок The driver clapped on the brakes but failed to stop in time. в) naut. приводить в действие, использовать The captain ordered his men to clap on more sail. г) похлопывать He clapped his old friend on the shoulder in greeting. д) to clap on to smb. подсунуть кому-л. (что-л.) е) увеличивать цену When the new tax laws were passed, the taxpayers found that the government had clapped another 5% on cigarettes....

    loan 1. noun 
    seat 1. noun 
    • seat 1. noun 6) местонахождение; the liver is the seat of the disease, the disease has its seat in the liver - болезнь локализована в печени; the seat of the Government - местопребывание правительства - the seat of war - the seat of the trouble...

    call in 
    • call in а) потребовать назад (долг) The makers have called in some cars with dangerous faults. б) изымать из обращения (денежные знаки) The government called in all old notes. в) приглашать Why don't you call all your friends in and have a party? г) призывать на военную службу д) вызывать (специалиста) Mother was so ill last night that we had to call the doctor in. е) amer. оставить сообщение по телефону The director has just called in to say that she'll be late. All the reporters rushed to the telephone to call in their stories when the game was over....

    run in 
    • run in а) вбежать I opened the door and the cat ran in. б) навестить, заглянуть; забежать Run in and see me this evening. в) включать дополнительный материал We can run in a sentence about the politician's recent death. г) coll. арестовать и посадить в тюрьму You've no cause to run me in, I've done nothing! д) coll. баллотироваться (на выборах) How many people are running in this election? е) rare; coll. приводить к (чему-л., обыкн. неприятному) Does the director understand what his action is running the firm in for? The government's plans will run the country in for a lot of spending. ж) tech. обкатывать, производить обкатку I'm running in my new car, and cannot go fast....

    kick about 
    • kick about а) перебрасывать(ся) Those boys aren't playingfootball properly, they're just kicking the ball about. б) разбрасывать I found this book kicking about upstairs, is it yours? в) существовать Is the same chairman still kicking about? I thought he had left years ago. The idea of world government has been kicking about for a long time, but no one seems to take it seriously. г) придираться, отдавать ненужные приказы The directors will find that times have changed; they can no longer kick the workers about and make them do whatever they want. д) обсуждать The committee kicked your suggestion about for over an hour before deciding that they could not accept it....

    go round 
    • go round а) вращаться the wheels go round колеса вращаются б) приходить в гости запросто You've expressed a great deal of interest in the new buildings. Would you like to go round? в) обойти кругом, хватить на всех (за столом) There should be enough soup to go round. г) распространяться Stories have been going round concerning the government's secret intentions. There are a lot of colds going round just now. д) появляться вместе в обществе How long have those two been going round together? е) повторяться I have this tune going round in my head, driving me mad! ж) рассылаться A notice of the general meeting is going round; please sign and return it to the main office....

    call for 
    • call for а) требовать the situation called for drastic measures положение требовало принятия решительных мер letters to be called for письма до востребования Henry called for the waiter in a loud voice. The men sat down and called for some beer. The opposition are calling for a general election. б) заходить за кем-л., чем-л. Will you call for my dress at the cleaner's? I'll call for you at 8 o'clock. The parcel was left at the post office to be called for. в) предусматривать г) нуждаться This trouble calls for quick action by the government. Your remark was not called for....

    drop dead 
    • drop dead а) неожиданно умереть Poor Mrs Whitehead dropped dead in the street yesterday. б) неожиданно бросить кого-л., что-л. The government dropped the plan dead when they I famed how much it would cost. When he learned that his companions were secret criminals, he dropped them dead. в) sl. прекращать нервировать кого-л. Drop dead!...

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