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    come up 
    • come up а) подниматься, вырастать, возникать to come up for discussion стать предметом обсуждения б) всходить (о растении) в) приезжать (из провинции в большой город, университет и т.п.) When do the students come up? Do come up to London and see us. When do the next lot of young soldiers come up? г) предстать перед судом д) подходить (to) While I was waiting for the bus, a man came up and started asking questions. I could hear footsteps coming up behind me. More soldiers are coming up soon to help in the battle. е) достигать уровня, сравниваться (to) ж) нагонять кого-л. (with) з) наносить визит Come up and see me some time. и) случаться, происходить I'll let you know if anything comes up. A change may come up soon. к) упоминаться Your question came up at the meeting His name never comes up in our conversation these days. л) выигрывать Did your horse come up? м) изменять мнение о ком-л. (в худшую сторону) That politician has come up in my opinion since I heard his last speech. н) чиститься, проясняться The paintwork came up beautifully. о) coll. стараться показать свою значительность; важничать Don't you try to come up, young man! п) тошнить Poor Jane is being sick again this morning, that light meal I gave her came up in a few minutes....

    bring up 
    • bring up а) приводить, приносить наверх When the doctor arrives, bring him up. Mother says would you please bring up the tea things. The road will bring you up to the top of the cliff. б) вскармливать, воспитывать My aunt brought up four children. Your children have been well brought up. I don't want your advice, I'm bringing them up the hard way so that they won't be helpless in later years. I was brought up to respect the law. в) поднимать (вопрос); заводить (разговор) Mr Chairman, I should like to bring up the question of the reorganization of the committees. Your suggestion will be brought up at the next meeting. There's no need to bring up his past when we are considering him for employment. г) делать известным д) привлекать к суду This is the third time that Peter has been brought up before the court for drunken driving. е) coll. вырвать, стошнить. Jane can't come, she's been bringing up all morning. The child has brought up her dinner again. ж) увеличивать to bring up the score sport увеличивать счет з) naut. поставить или стать на якорь The captain was able to bring the ship up just before it hit the little boat. и) неожиданно останавливать The horse is running away, can't you bring him up? The boy was praised for bringing up the runaway horse. к) ругать The director brought Jim up for being late again....

    blow out 
    • blow out а) задувать, гасить, тушить (свечу, керосиновую лампу и т. п.); гаснуть (от движения воздуха) The wind blew the seeds out of the plant. The chimney blew out a cloud of black smoke. As I was cleaning the cupboard, a lot of feathers blew out. б) выдуть (доменную печь) в) лопнуть (о шине и т. п.) The heat blew out the tyre. The tyre blew out as I was driving to work. г) прочистить путем выдувания We shall have to blow the pipe out, it seems to he blocked. д) наполнить (воздухом, едой и т.д.) The child blew the paper bag out and then burst it. I feel blown out after that heavy meal. Horses are blown out after a race. е) стихать (о порывах ветра) The storm blew (itself) out after three days. ж) разрушать что-л. воздушной волной The bomb blew the windows out з) остановить работу (об электрических механизмах) The damaged wire blew out the cooker. The cooker has blown out и) вырваться из-под контроля, прорваться (о газе, нефти и т.п.) An oil well blew out in the North Sea, causing a very big floating mass of oil....

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