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    after 2. cj. 
    • after 2. cj. после того как soon after he arrived he began to work at school - по приезде он стал работать в школе...

    come up with 
    • come up with а) догонять кого-л. I had to run to come up with her. б) сравняться с чем-л., кем-л. We shall have to work hard to come up with the other firm. в) думать, размышлять I hope you can come up with a better plan than this....

    new 1. adj. 
    • new 1. adj. 8) незнакомый; непривычный; the horse is new to the plough - эта лошадь не привыкла к плугу; she is new to the work - она еще не знакома с этой работой...

    ask v. 
    • ask v. 2) осведомляться (about, after, for) to ask after a person's health - осведомиться о чьем-л. здоровье he asked me about my work - он спросил меня о моей работе...

    go along 
    • go along а) двигаться б) продолжать в) сопровождать (with) At the last minute, the two youngest children decided to go along. г) развивать(ся) How is your work going along? It's going along nicely, thank you. д) соглашаться (with) We'll go along with your suggestion, although it's not exactly what we wanted....

    be in at 
    • be in at а) завершать работу Having put all this work into the plan, I want to be in at the finish. б) быть свидетелем исполнения чего-л. I hope to be in at the death when the firm at last signs that big contract....

    grumble 2. v. 
    • grumble 2. v. ворчать, жаловаться (at, about, over - на) There's no pleasing our teacher, he always grumbles about our work even when we've done our best. Syn: see complain...

    drive away at 
    • drive away at усердно работать над чем-л. She sits at her desk for hours, driving away at her work....

    piddle v. 
    • piddle v. 2) заниматься пустяками, баловаться; Why don't you get on with some work instead of piddling away the whole afternoon doing nothing?...

    luxuriate v. 
    • luxuriate v. 1) наслаждаться (чем-л.), блаженствовать (in, on); She sits here luxuriating in the sun, while her husband does all the work...

    penalize v. 
    • penalize v. 2) штрафовать, накладывать штраф; Workersare penalized for arriving late for work....

    sail through 
    • sail through coll. успешно справиться с чем-л. I've had a good day, sailing through my work with unexpected ease....

    bum along 
    • bum along а) sl. безостановочно двигаться We were just bumming along nicely when the tyre burst. б) sl. неуклонно развиваться How's your work going? Oh, just bumming along, thanks....

    hang over 
    • hang over а) нависать; fig. грозить, угрожать I hate to have unfinished work hanging over me. б) остаться незаконченным...

    wonder 1. noun 
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