Российская Информационная Сеть


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    educate in 
    • educate in прививать The government often needs educating in the actual wishes of the people. Young men were once educated in good manners, and how to treat a lady....

    imprecate v. 
    • imprecate v. проклинать, призывать несчастья на чью-л. голову (on/upon) The wicked magician imprecated a curse on the young princess, that her future would end in sorrow....

    partner 2. v. 
    • partner 2. v. 2) делать (чьим-л.) партнером; ставить в пару (с кем-л.) (with); The lady of the house had no difficulty in partnering off her attractive daughter with a rich young man....

    groom 2. v. 
    • groom 2. v. 3) coll. готовить к определенной деятельности, карьере (for) He is grooming his son far the directorship of the firm. The new young actor is being groomed for fame and success....

    devil 2. v. 
    • devil 2. v. 1) работать (for - на); исполнять черновую работу для литератора, журналиста The judge began his working life as a young man by devilling for a clever lawyer....

    rip apart 
    • rip apart а) драть, разрывать в клочья, разнести на куски; A bomb ripped apart the train. б) причинить горе, боль; The family is ripped apart by a young mother's death....

    so 1. adv. 
    • so 1. adv. 2) тоже, также; you are young and so am I - вы молоды и я тоже...

    old 2. noun 
    pretend v. 
    • pretend v. 4) претендовать (на что-л.) (to); I don't pretend to a complete knowledge of the city. The young prince started a war by pretending to the crown....

    take kindly 
    • take kindly благожелательно отнестись; he took kindly to the young author он принял участие в начинающем писателе...

    conjure with 
    • conjure with показывать фокусы при помощи чего-л., кого-л. She's been conjuring with rabbits for several years now, I can only conjure with the aid of my young brother....

    enrol(l) v. 
    • enrol(l) v. 4) записываться, вступать в члены (какой-л. организации) (in) The small boy wanted to enrol in the youth club, but he was too young....

    revel 2. v. 
    • revel 2. v. 2) наслаждаться; получать удовольствие (in); The young singer revelled in the public's admiration. Why do children revel in making trouble?...

    be against 
    • be against а) противостоять кому-л., чему-л. Driving without seat belts may soon be against the law. Father was against (his daughter) marrying young. б) противоречить чему-л. Lying is against my principles. It's against nature to wear high shoes....

    exorcize v. 
    • exorcize v. заклинать, изгонять злых духов (from/out) The priests had to exorcize the devil from the body of the young girl, with bell, book, and candle....

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