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    scout I 2. v. 
    • scout I 2. v. 1) вести разведку, разведывать; Scout out the land and see which is the best place for our battle lines....

    striking adj. 
    decompose v. 
    repulsive adj. 
    • repulsive adj. 3) phys. repulsive force - сила отталкивания Syn: abhorrent, abominable, disgusting, loathsome, repellent, repugnant, revolting Ant:admirable, alluring, amiable, charming, commendable, excellent, pleasing, splendid...

    exile 2. v. 
    • exile 2. v. изгонять; ссылать (from) It is a severe punishment to be exiled from one's native land. Syn: banish, deport, expatriate, relegate, rusticate, sequester Ant: greet exility noun тонкость; утонченность...

    concede v. 
    • concede v. 1) уступать (to) The former leader conceded the election to the opposing party. The defeated nation conceded some of their land to the enemy....

    clothe v. 
    • clothe v. 3) покрывать spring clothes the land with verdure - весна покрывает землю зеленью - clothe in - clothe with...

    parcel 1. noun 
    • parcel 1. noun 4) участок (земли); These small parcels of land were purchased by local people....

    hedge 2. v. 
    • hedge 2. v. 1) огораживать изгородью (часто hedge off, hedge in) These fields, which used to be common land, were hedged in by law during the 18th century, and have been privately owned since that time....

    confiscate v. 
    • confiscate v. конфисковать, реквизировать у кого-л. (from) The state used to confiscate land from those who opposed the king. The teacher had to confiscate a dangerous weapon from the child. Syn: see usurp...

    rend v.; book. 
    • rend v.; book. 1) отрывать, отдирать (from, away, off); The soldiers had orders to rend the children from their mothers' arms by force....

    sheer I 1. adj. 
    • sheer I 1. adj. 2) абсолютный, полнейший; sheer waste of time - совершенно бесполезная трата времени; sheer exhaustion - полное истощение; a sheer impossibility - абсолютная невозможность - by sheer force...

    external 1. adj. 
    • external 1. adj. 2) находящийся, лежащий вне, за пределами чего-л. - external force - external reality - external evidence - external world...

    evict v. 
    • evict v. 2) оттягать по суду (землю и т. п.) (of, from - у) The family were evicted from their house for failing to pay the rent. The government evicted many farmers from their land, where the airport was planned. Syn: see remove...

    native 1. adj. 
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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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