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    design 2. v. 
    • design 2. v. 3) составлять план, проектировать; конструировать (for) This man designs dresses for the Queen. The mat has been designed specially for the children's room. The family designed the house for their own needs....

    be before 
    • be before а) быть, жить раньше, чем что-л., кто-л. King Henry VII was before Queen Elizabeth I. б) предшествовать чьему-л. рождению No, I don't remember that film, it was before my time. During the war - but that was before your time, of course-it was difficult to get enough eggs. в) обвиняться Peter has been before the court again on a charge of driving while drunk....

    pin 2. v. 
    • pin 2. v. 1) прикалывать (обыкн. pin up; to, on); скреплять, скалывать (обыкн. pin together); to pin up a notice on the wall; to pin papers together; The Queen pinned the Military Cross on the soldier's chest. Be careful with that collar, it's just pinned to the dress....

    cross head noun 
    propose v. 
    • propose v. 1) предлагать; вносить предложение; the object I propose to myself - цель, которую я себе ставлю; I propose a toast to the Queen. - propose health - propose a riddle...

    pipe 2. v. 
    • pipe 2. v. 4) naut. играть захождение (при прибытии на корабль и сходе с корабля должностного лица); The Queen was piped aboard, and all the sailors cheered. When 'the captain left his ship for the last time, he was piped ashore....

    contend v. 
    • contend v. 3) спорить о чем-л. (about/over) The two nations have been contending about the rights to deep-sea fishing in their waters. The fairy king and queen were contending over possession of the beautiful boy. When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children....

    head 1. noun 
    counsel 1. noun 
    • counsel 1. noun 4) адвокат; юрисконсульт; группа адвокатов (в каком-л. деле, процессе) - King's Counsel - Queen's Counsel Syn: see advice...

    dine off 
    • dine off а) есть с чего-л. Does the Queen really dine off gold plates? б) есть на обед I wish I could afford to dine off fresh meat every day....

    painting noun 
    wear I 2. v. 
    • wear I 2. v. 7) - wear the ensign - wear the flag - wear away - wear down - wear off - wear on - wear out to wear the King's/Queen's coat - служить в английской армии - wear the breeches - wear the pants...

    dowager noun 
    • dowager noun 1) вдова (высокопоставленного лица) - the Queen dowager - the dowager duchess...

    press forward 
    • press forward а) проталкиваться, пробиваться, устремляться вперед; The crowd, pressing forward to see the Queen, broke the fence. б) coll. продолжать (усиленно делать что-л.); спешить; Whatever happens, we must press forward with our plans to increase production. If we press forward, we can get home before dark....

    decorate v. 
    • decorate v. 3) награждать знаками отличия, орденами (for - за что-л.; with - чем-л.) The Queen decorated the young soldier for courage in the face of the enemy. The girl was decorated for saving the child from drowning. The young soldier was decorated with the Military Cross. Syn: see ornament...

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