Российская Информационная Сеть


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    come v. 
    • come v. 7) выпадать на чью-л. долю; доставаться кому-л. it came on my head - это свалилось мне на голову ill luck came to me - меня постигла неудача this work comes to me - эта работа приходится на мою долю...

    would v. 
    • would v. 3) служебный глагол, выражающий привычное действие, относящееся к прошедшему времени: he would stand for hours watching the machine work - он, бывало, целыми часами наблюдал за работой машины...

    hinder II v. 
    • hinder II v. 2) быть помехой (from) Your endless talking hinders me from my work; please be quiet! Syn: encumber, hamper, impede, obstruct Ant: encourage, impel, quicken, spur...

    break in on 
    • break in on прерывать The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dreams. I'm sorry to break in on your private thoughts, but I think we should get on with some work....

    interest 2. v. 
    • interest 2. v. интересовать, заинтересовывать (in) Few teachers are able to interest their students in dull subjects that mean a lot of hard work. Syn: see entertain...

    keep ahead 
    • keep ahead оставаться впереди Jane used to have difficulty with her school work, but she has been keeping ahead for the past year....

    get abreast of 
    • get abreast of получать сведения Scientists have to work hard to get abreast of the latest discoveries and developments in their field....

    break in upon 
    • break in upon прерывать The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dreams. I'm sorry to break in on your private thoughts, but I think we should get on with some work....

    dragoon 2. v. 
    • dragoon 2. v. 2) принуждать силой also joc. (into) It was easy in those days to dragoon the younger children into helping with the farm work....

    settle II v. 
    • settle II v. 5) браться за определенное дело (часто settle down); Isn't it time you settled to work on your paper?...

    refer v. 
    • refer v. 5) приписывать (чему-л.), объяснять (чем-л.); Many successful businessmen refer their success to hard work....

    saddle 2. v. 
    • saddle 2. v. 2) взваливать (on, upon); обременять (with); Don't try to saddle your dirty work on me! I got saddled with three of the neighbours' children for the whole afternoon....

    absorb v. 
    • absorb v. 2) поглощать (внимание); впитывать (знания) his work absorbed him - работа увлекла его - absorb in...

    stay on 
    • stay on продолжать оставаться; задерживаться; You're supposed to stop work here when you're 65, but many people are allowed to stay on....

    smarten v. 
    • smarten v. 2) работать усерднее, прилежнее; вести себя лучше; That boy has begun to smarten up recently, since we complained about his work....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
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