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    place 2. v. 
    • place 2. v. 12) находиться в определенном положении; поставить в определенное положение; What an awkward position I'm now placed in! You placed me in an impossible position with your behaviour. - place aside - place out to place one's cards on the table - раскрыть свои карты to place a construction on - по-своему понимать, интерпретировать; Make sure that you don't place the wrong construction on his remark. to place smth. on one side - отложить; She placed her sewing on one side when the telephone rang. Tom placed his new book on one side for a year. to place in jeopardy - поставить под угрозу; The miners' refusal to work has placed in jeopardy the nation's supply of coal. toplaceoneselfinsmb.'s position/shoes - поставить кого-л. на чье-л. место; Place yourself in my position, and then perhaps you'll stop complaining. to place a call to - заказать разговор по телефону; Ask my secretary to place a call to Head Office in London, will you? Syn: see happen...

    go out 
    • go out а) выйти; выходить I don't think you should go out with that bad cold. б) бывать в обществе Let's go out tonight; there's a good film showing at the local cinema. в) выйти в свет (о книге) г) выйти в отставку д) выйти из моды I thought those ancient machines went out years ago! е) тратиться (о деньгах) There's more money going out than coming in, and I'm worried about the business. ж) кончаться (о месяце, годе) March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. з) (за)бастовать The Post Office workers went out before Christmas, now the electricians are out. I wonder who'll come out next? и) amer. обрушиться к) потерпеть неудачу If the government goes out at the next election, who will lead the country? л) распространяться (о новостях, приказах и т.д.) I thought the wedding invitations had all gone out, but my sister says she hasn't received hers. м) (об огне, свете и т.д.) догореть, погаснуть Have you a match? My cigarette has gone out. Don't let the fire go out; there's plenty of wood. н) умереть I hope that when I go out I shall leave a better world behind me. о) выйти из берегов When the sea goes out, the sand stretches for a long way. п) терять сознание The robber hit him on the head with an iron bar, and he went out like a light....

    come on 
    • come on а) приближаться; налететь, разразиться (о ветре, шквале) a storm is coming on приближается гроза б) появляться (на сцене) The next player came on. When does the great actor come on? в) натыкаться, наскакивать; поражать (о болезни) г) расти д) преуспевать; делать успехи е) наступать, нападать ж) рассматриваться (в суде) з) возникать (о вопросе) и) come on! живей!; продолжайте!; идем (тж. как формула вызова) к) следовать за кем-л. I'll go ahead, and you come on later. The teacher went by train to his new job, and the family came on by bus. л) включаться (о механизмах) Just as I entered the house, all the lights came on. м) спешить Come on, children, or we'll be late! н) выражение недоверия Oh, come on! I know better than that! come out а) выходить to come out of oneself стать менее замкнутым б) появляться (в печати) When does Tom's new book come out? The writer's opinion comes out in the newspaper every morning. в) дебютировать (на сцене, в обществе) Is Mrs King-Brown's daughter coming out this year? г) обнаруживаться; проявляться the secret came out секрет раскрылся д) распускаться (о листьях, цветах) The flowers are coming out in everyone's gardens. е) забастовать The Post Office workers have come out. ж) выводиться, сводиться (о пятнах) Do you think that dirty mark will come out? з) выступить (с заявлением, разоблачением) (with) The politician came out against the government. The speaker came out for improved rights for all women everywhere. и) выпалить (with) Jim came out with a strange remark. к) освобождаться (из тюрьмы) It's been a long year, but he comes out next Friday. л) выходить, получаться (о фотографиях) Mary always comes out well in her pictures. How did the photographs come out? I'm afraid our holiday photos didn't come out. м) направляться в другую страну When are your family coming out to join you?...

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