flesh 2. v. 5) coll. полнеть (тж. flesh out/up) John finished growing taller last year, and now he's fleshing out. Better health has fleshed her face out a little....
park 2. v. 2) ставить на стоянку, парковать (автомобиль и т. п.); John turned into the next side street and parked. He found a place to park the car....
pester v. 1) докучать, надоедать, донимать; John pestered his parents with questions. She's been pestering the life out of me over the telephone. Stop pestering me with your advice....
play in а) сопровождать музыкой; The town band played the victorious team in to the dinner given in their honour. б) sport войти в игру; John is known for taking about half an hour to play himself in....