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    swirl 2. v. 
    • swirl 2. v. 1) кружить(ся) в водовороте (тж. swirl about/around); Where the water is swirling around, there are dangerous currents....

    potable 1. adj. 
    • potable 1. adj. годный для питья; питьевой; potable water - питьевая вода...

    tight suf. 
    • -tight suf. в сложных словах означает непроницаемый; water-tight - водонепроницаемый...

    sponge up 
    • sponge up впитывать губкой; It'll take a long time to sponge up all that pool of water....

    screw 2. v. 
    surge 2. v. 
    • surge 2. v. 3) (на)хлынуть also fig. (тж. surge in); As soon as the pipe was opened, the water surged in....

    plump II 2. adv. 
    • plump II 2. adv. 1) внезапно; he fell plump into the water - он бултыхнулся в воду...

    purify v. 
    • purify v. 1) очищать(ся) (of, from); All water in this area has been purified of undesirable chemicals. The death of our Lord purified mankind of evil....

    refrain I v. 
    • refrain I v. 1) воздерживаться, сдерживаться, удержаться; he could not refrain from saying (going, etc.) - он не мог не сказать (не пойти и т. п.); The people were asked to refrain from baths while water was scarce....

    soak through 
    • soak through промачивать (о дожде); промокать This coat was supposed to keep rain out, but the water has soaked through. The children came in soaked through, so we put them in a hot bath....

    screw out 
    • screw out а) вывинчивать; выжимать (о белье) Screw the soapy water out of the cloth. б) вымогать (of) (деньги) The criminal was able to screw every last penny out of the poor man....

    separate out 
    • separate out выделять(ся); разъединять(ся) The scientist tried to separate out the precious chemical from the substance in which it was found. The oil and water will separate out if the mixture is left standing....

    taint with 
    • taint with портить (добавляя, примешивая что-л.); air tainted with smoke; The lake water is tainted with chemicals from the factory....

    empty 3. v. 
    • empty 3. v. 1) опорожнять; осушать (стакан); выливать, высыпать; выкачивать, выпускать (into) Empty your bag into your hand to see if you can find the key. Empty the dirty water into the bowl....

    trickle away 
    • trickle away а) вытекать тонкой струйкой, капать; There must be a small hole in the pipe, look at the water trickling away! б) исчезать; the crowd began to trickle away толпа начала постепенно расходиться...

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