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    disembarrass v. 
    • disembarrass v. 1) выводить из затруднения, замешательства; освобождать (of - от стеснений, хлопот) The school wishes to be disembarrassed of the troublesome boy....

    wish 1. noun 
    • wish 1. noun 3) предмет желания if wishes were horses beggars might ride prov. - если бы да кабы во рту росли грибы...

    educate in 
    • educate in прививать The government often needs educating in the actual wishes of the people. Young men were once educated in good manners, and how to treat a lady....

    bend before 
    • bend before подчиняться, уступать; соглашаться I'd advise you to bend before the old lady's wishes....

    bend to 
    • bend to заставлять кого-л. подчиняться Grandfather was a very powerful man, and used to bend us to his wishes....

    bring under 
    • bring under а) подчинять Those who oppose our wishes will be brought under. б) включать, заносить (в графу, категорию и т. п.) We can bring your suggestions under several headings. в) осваивать to bring under cultivation agric. вводить в культуру...

    sort with 
    regard 2. v. 
    • regard 2. v. 1) принимать во внимание, считаться (с кем-л., чем-л.; обыкн. в вопр. и отриц. предложениях); he is much regarded - он пользуется большим уважением; I do not regard his opinion - я не считаюсь с его мнением; why do you so seldom regard my wishes? - почему вы так редко считаетесь с моими желаниями?...

    fling aside 
    • fling aside а) отвергнуть, пренебречь Flinging aside the wishes of his parents, the student went abroad for a year before returning to his university. These rules are not made to be flung aside lightly. б) отказаться Once he got rich, he flung aside his old friends. Henry joined the opposing political party, flinging aside his former loyalties....

    anticipate v. 
    • anticipate v. 3) предупреждать, предвосхищать to anticipate smb.'s wishes - предупреждать чьи-л. желания...

    be v.; past sg. was, pl. were; past part. been 
    • be v.; past sg. was, pl. were; past part. been 7) как модальный глагол с последующим инфинитивом означает долженствование, возможность, намерение I am to inform you - я должен вас известить he is to be there now - он должен быть там сейчас - be about - be above - be above oneself - be above one - be above one's head - be abreast of - be after - be against - be ahead - be ahead of - be along - be amiss - be around - be at - be at attention - be at a dead end - be at each other's throats - be at ease - be at ease - be at an end - be hard at work - be at home - be at it - be at loggerheads - be at a loss - be at odds - be at pains - be away - be back - be before - be behind - be behind bars - be behind the times - be below - be beneath - be beneath contempt - be beneath smb.'s dignity - be beneath smb.'s notice - be beside - be beside oneself - be beside the point - be between - be beyond - be beyond endurance - be beyond a joke - be beyond one's ken - be beyond question - be beyond redemption - be down - be down as - be down for - be down for the count - be down on - be down on one's luck - be down to - be down with - be down in the dumps - be down in the mouth - be for - be hip to - be in - be in at - be in for - be in for it - be in for trouble - be in on - be in on the ground floor - be in with - be in accord with - be in harmony with - be in collision with - be in line with - be inside - be into - be off - be off to - be off with - be on - be on about - be on at - be on with - be onto - be onto a good thing - be out - be out for - be out from - be out in - be out in force - be out in large numbers - be out in strength - be out of - be over - be over and done with - be past - be round - be through - be under - be up - be up against - be up for - be up for grabs - be hard up for - be up to - be with - be within - be without - how are you? - be going - let be - be oneself I've been there coll. - все это уже известно you've been (and gone) and done it coll. - ну и наделали вы дел Syn: see exist...

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