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    odd 1. adj. 
    • odd 1. adj. 1) нечетный; odd and (or) even - чет и/или нечет; odd houses - дома с нечетными номерами; - odd months...

    bet on 
    • bet on быть абсолютно уверенным в чём-л. You can't bet on the weather in England. I think it's safe, but don't bet on it. Don't bet on getting file job. We daren't bet on the train arriving on time....

    sentence 2. v. 
    • sentence 2. v. 2) обречь; Many fine old houses in the city are being sentenced to destruction. Syn: condemn, convict, doom Ant: exonerate, free, liberate...

    lead on 
    • lead on а) завлекать, увлекать; б) вовлекать (во что-л. плохое); The boy claimed that he had been led on by his criminal companions. в) обманывать; Advertisements for houses for sale often lead buyers on with misleading descriptions....

    precarious adj. 
    • precarious adj. 3) необоснованный Syn: insecure, unstable, unsteady Ant: firm, safe, stable, steady...

    evacuate v. 
    • evacuate v. 1) эвакуировать, вывозить (to) All the London children were evacuated to the country, where they would be safe from the bombing....

    doom 2. v. 
    • doom 2. v. 1) осуждать, обрекать, предопределять (to) Why are my hopes always doomed to disappointment? Many fine old houses in the city are doomed to destruction....

    preserve 2. v. 
    • preserve 2. v. 1) сохранять, охранять, оберегать; to preserve one's existence - выжить, выстоять; These fine old houses should be preserved for the future. God preserve me from such a fate!...

    spring I 2. v. 
    • spring I 2. v. 4) появляться; many new houses have sprung in this district - в этом районе появилось много новых домов; where have you sprung from? - откуда вы появились?...

    bead 2. v. 
    • bead 2. v. 1) нанизывать (бусы) the houses are beaded along the river - дома тесно стоят (букв. нанизаны как бусы) вдоль реки...

    build 2. v. 
    • build 2. v. 2) создавать to build plans - строить планы to build (out) of - делать что-л. из какого-л. материала Before bricks were invented, people built their houses out of wood....

    plot II 2. v. 
    • plot II 2. v. составлять заговор; интриговать, плести интриги; The men were imprisoned for plotting against the government. Syn: see intrigue plot out делить на участки, распределять; The builders have plotted out the area ready for the houses....

    bathe 2. v. 
    • bathe 2. v. 2) мыть, обмывать (тело); промывать (глаза) Is it safe to bathe in this river?...

    dig out 
    • dig out а) выкапывать, раскапывать (of) The hunters dug out the fox. The doctor had to dig the bullet out. Copper is dug out of the earth. б) amer. coll. внезапно покидать; поспешно уходить, уезжать The fox dug out for the forest where he would be safe. в) выискивать The police should be able to dig the truth out of him. It must have taken a long time to dig the facts out of all these old books....

    walk about 
    • walk about а) прогуливаться, прохаживаться, фланировать; There were just a few people walking about in the town square, but no traffic in the streets. б) идти через толпу; Is it safe for the President to walk about without a guard?...

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