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    comb through 
    • comb through рыскать в поисках чего-л. The student spent many hours in the library combing through old books looking for the facts that she wanted....

    render down 
    • render down сводить (к чему-л.); выражать упрощенно; Most of his ideas can be rendered down to a system of thinking based on outdated facts....

    dry 1. adj. 
    • dry 1. adj. 9) mil. учебный - dry shot - dry cow - dry death - dry facts - dry light he's not even dry behind the ears у него еще молоко на губах не обсохло Syn: crisp, dehumidified, dehydrated, desiccated, dried, parched Ant: damp, deliquescent, moist, soggy, wet...

    reduce v. 
    • reduce v. 5) сводить, приводить (to - к чему-л.); to reduce to an absurdity - доводить до абсурда; The facts may all be reduced to three headings....

    ground 2. v. 
    • ground 2. v. 1) основывать; обосновывать (on) The insurance business is grounded on trust. Always ground your opinion on facts....

    make certain of 
    • make certain of удостовериться в make certain of your facts before you argue проверьте свои данные, прежде чем спорить...

    patient 1. adj. 
    • patient 1. adj. 3) терпящий, допускающий (of); the facts are patient of various interpretations - факты допускают различное толкование...

    generalize v. 
    • generalize v. 1) обобщать; сводить к общим законам (about; from) It's impossible to generalize about children's books, as they are all different. This rule can be generalized from the facts which we have collected....

    reinforce v. 
    • reinforce v. 1) усиливать; подкреплять; укреплять; The army was reinforced with a fresh group of soldiers. Any good speaker should be able to reinforce his argument with facts....

    confuse v. 
    • confuse v. 3) приводить в замешательство, смущать; сбивать с толку (with) The teacher confused the student with too many questions. My mind is made up; don't confuse me with facts....

    non-ductile adj. 
    • non-ductile adj. неподатливый, упрямый; facts are non-ductile - факты - упрямая вещь...

    dig out 
    • dig out а) выкапывать, раскапывать (of) The hunters dug out the fox. The doctor had to dig the bullet out. Copper is dug out of the earth. б) amer. coll. внезапно покидать; поспешно уходить, уезжать The fox dug out for the forest where he would be safe. в) выискивать The police should be able to dig the truth out of him. It must have taken a long time to dig the facts out of all these old books....

    found I v. 
    • found I v. 2) основывать, учреждать; создавать (on/upon) One should always found one's opinion on facts....

    palter v. 
    • palter v. 1) кривить душой; плутовать, хитрить; - palter with facts...

    adulterate 1. v. 
    • adulterate 1. v. фальсифицировать; подмешивать adulterated milk - разбавленное молоко adulterated facts - подтасованные факты Syn: see pollute...

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