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    refer v. 
    • refer v. 9) относить (к классу, периоду и т. п.); This style of music is generally referred to the 18th century. - refer back - refer to drawer Syn: see cite...

    hedge 2. v. 
    • hedge 2. v. 1) огораживать изгородью (часто hedge off, hedge in) These fields, which used to be common land, were hedged in by law during the 18th century, and have been privately owned since that time....

    throughout 2. prep. 
    • throughout 2. prep. через; по всему; в продолжение (всего времени и т.п.); throughout the 19th century - через весь XIX век...

    compare 1. v. 
    • compare 1. v. 4) уподоблять (to) The writer was compared to Shakespeare. I can compare her poetry to the greatest poems of the present century. - compare with - compare notes Syn:approach,approximate, correspond, parallel, resemble, savour of, smack of Ant: contrast, oppose...

    break away 
    • break away а) убежать, вырваться (из тюрьмы и т.п.) The criminal broke away from the policemen who were holding him. б) покончить (from - c чем-л.) в) отделиться, отпасть (from - от чего-л.) Part of the country broke away (from the State) to form a new nation. Modern music has broken away from 18th century rules....

    parish noun 
    • parish noun 4) attr. приходский; parish clerk - псаломщик; a 13th century parish church to go on the parish - получать пособие по бедности parish lantern joc. - луна...

    inculcate v. 
    • inculcate v. внедрять, внушать, прививать, вселять (on, upon, in) How do you inculcate good manners in young children? Fear of sex was inculcated in the minds of most young women of good families in the last century. Syn: see implant...

    costume 1. noun 
    • costume 1. noun 2) стиль в одежде, костюм English costume of the XVIII century - одежда англичан XVIII - века...

    trace I 2. v. 
    • trace I 2. v. 8) прослеживать(ся); восходить к определенному источнику или периоду в прошлом (to, back to); this custom has been traced to the twelfth century - этот обычай восходит к двенадцатому веку; this family traces to the Norman Conquest - этот род восходит к временам норманнского завоевания...

    belong to 
    • belong to а) быть собственностью кого-л. The blue coat belongs to Mary. б) быть членом группы, нации и т.д. People of many different political views belong to the club. в) быть связанным с чем-л. (чаще с каким-л. временем) As a writer, he really belongs to the 18th century....

    come before 
    • come before а) предшествовать Did the invention of the telephone, come before the end of the last century? б) превосходить кого-л. рангом Members of the Royal Family come before lords and ladies. в) быть более важным, чем что-л. Consideration of a fellow worker's health must come before my own professional pride. г) представать перед судом When you come before the judge, you must speak the exact truth. д) рассматриваться Your suggestion came before the board of directors yesterday, but I haven't heard the result of their meeting....

    pass down 
    • pass down а) посылать, передавать (информацию и т.п.); Pass the message down to the people at the end of the table. Pass the message down the line, the general's coming! б) проходить вперед (в автобусе и т.п.); Pass (right) down inside, please! Pass down the bus, please! в) передавать или оставлять (следующим поколениям, по наследству); This custom has been passed down since the 18th century. This ring has been passed down in my family....

    from prep. 
    • from prep. 3) указывает на временные отношения с, от, из from the (very) beginning - с (самого) начала from the beginning of the century - с начала века from a child - с детства from before the war - с довоенного времени from now on - с этих пор, отныне beginning from Friday week - начиная с будущей пятницы from dusk to dawn - от зари и до зари from six a. m. - с шести часов утра from beginning to end - от начала до конца...

    quarter 1. noun 
    • quarter 1. noun 1) четверть (of); a quarter of a century - четверть века; to divide into quarters - разделить на четыре части; for a quarter (of) the price, for quarter the price - за четверть цены...

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