Российская Информационная Сеть


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    enshrine v. 
    • enshrine v. 2) хранить, лелеять (воспоминание и т.п.) (in) The rights of the people are enshrined in the laws. The memory of her dead husband is enshrined in her heart....

    embody v. 
    • embody v. 1) воплощать; изображать, олицетворять (in) She embodies her principles in her behaviour. The people's rights are embodied in the laws. Real power should be embodied in Parliament....

    vested adj. 
    • vested adj. 2) законный, принадлежащий по праву; vested rights - безусловные права - vested interests...

    right I 1. noun 
    • right I 1. noun 3) usu. pl. истинное положение вещей, действительность; the rights of the case - положение дела...

    state II 2. adj. 
    • state II 2. adj. 2) amer. относящийся к отдельному штату (в отличие от federal); State rights - автономия отдельных штатов США; State Board of Education - управление по делам образования в штате...

    degenerate 3. v. 
    • degenerate 3. v. вырождаться; ухудшаться (into - во что-л.) The workers' demands for their rights have degenerated into troublemaking. Everyone needs time to play, but some let it degenerate into laziness. The children in your class need gentle treatment, but don't let your kindness degenerate into weakness....

    deprive v. 
    • deprive v. 1) лишать (of - чего-л.) The hot sun deprived the flowers of water. You cannot deprive me of my rights. Many children are deprived of a good education, simply because they live in the wrong place....

    involve v. 
    • involve v. 3) запутывать; впутывать, вовлекать; затрагивать involved in debt - запутавшийся в долгах to involve the rights of smb. - затрагивать чьи-л. права...

    pantomime 1. noun 
    • pantomime 1. noun 4) представление, фарс; The rights of every American to good government have been damaged by the pantomime on Capitol Hill....

    contend v. 
    • contend v. 3) спорить о чем-л. (about/over) The two nations have been contending about the rights to deep-sea fishing in their waters. The fairy king and queen were contending over possession of the beautiful boy. When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children....

    panoply noun 
    • panoply noun 1) доспехи; защита; They were armed with the panoply of popular rights. On a modern battlefield an infantryman can expect to be the target of the whole panoply of weaponry....

    strike at 
    • strike at а) наносить удар, нападать; The fighter struck at his opponent but missed; б) нападать (словесно); Many of the newspapers struck at the government's latest plan; в) покушаться; This new law strikes at the rights of every citizen....

    woman noun 
    • woman noun 1) женщина; women's rights - женское равноправие - woman of the world - single woman...

    stick up for 
    • stick up for защищать, поддерживать; to stick up for one's rights защищать свои права...

    suppression noun 
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