Российская Информационная Сеть


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     выборка описание
    ride 2. v. 
    • ride 2. v. 13) быть обусловленным (чем-л.); зависеть от (on); The committee's decision often rides on the chairman's vote....

    plump II 4. v. 
    • plump II 4. v. 6) coll. (for) решительно поддерживать, выступать "за"; Every member of the committee plumped for the chairman's suggestion....

    concur v. 
    • concur v. 2) соглашаться; сходиться в мнениях (with) All the members of the committee concurred with the chairman when he made his decision....

    brush over 
    • brush over говорить о чем-л., не придавая этому большого значения The chairman brushed over the question of your appointment....

    vote out 
    • vote out провалить (предложение), не выбрать (кого-л.); After so many years' service, it was a shock when the chairman was voted out...

    vote down 
    • vote down провалить (предложение); In spite of the chairman's support, the suggestion was voted down by the rest of the committee...

    turn about 
    • turn about а) оборачиваться; б) повернуть кругом (на 180?); в) изменить мнение, доводы; The chairman seems to have turned completely about....

    intimate II v. 
    • intimate II v. 1) объявлять, ставить в известность (to) The director intimated to the chairman that a decision was expected from the committee very soon....

    skate over 
    • skate over coll. избегать, касаясь вскользь (какой-л. темы и т.п.) Every time we come to that particular matter, the chairman skates over it....

    dissociate v. 
    • dissociate v. 1) разъединять, отделять (from); разобщать The chairman slated that he dissociated himself and his committee from the views expressed by the director....

    pelt II 2. v. 
    • pelt II 2. v. 3) обрушиться (на кого-л. с упреками, вопросами и т. п.); The crowd pelted the speaker with questions until the chairman had to stop them...

    vote 2. v. 
    • vote 2. v. 1) голосовать (for - за, against - против); The committee were equally divided, so the chairman voted against the suggestion to prevent it being passed...

    include v. 
    • include v. 2) включать (in) Have you included the chairman in your list of committee members? Syn: comprise, contain, involve Ant: exclude, leave out, omit...

    interpose v. 
    • interpose v. 4) становиться между, вклиниваться (in) The chairman interposed in the disagreement between the two committee members, and prevented them from losing their tempers....

    cut across 
    • cut across а) быть противоположным чему-л. The chairman's decision cuts across the opinion of the whole committee. б) прерывать что-л. Her loud voice cuts across the conversation....

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