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    remove 2. v. 
    • remove 2. v. 5) стирать; выводить (пятна); Grass marks can be removed from a cricketer's trousers with a special chemical....

    rinse 2. v. 
    • rinse 2. v. 2) смывать, промывать; Make sure that the bottle is completely rinsed out before you refill it. If the poisonous chemical gets into your eyes, rinse it out well....

    stink out 
    • stink out выгонять, выкуривать; If the rats won't eat the poison or gel caught in the traps, we may have to stink them out with this special chemical that animals hale....

    separate 3. v. 
    • separate 3. v. 4) разлагать(ся) (на части); The action of heat will separate the chemical into a substance and oxygen....

    sprinkle 2. v. 
    • sprinkle 2. v. 2) посыпать (with - чем-л.); разбрасывать (on/onto/over/upon); If you sprinkle this chemical on your grass it will help to keep it in good condition....

    go up 
    • go up а) подниматься; восходить (на гору) go up in smoke улетучиться б) расти (о числе); повышаться (о ценах) apples have gone up яблоки подорожали в) взорваться, сгореть A chemical factory went up in the North of England, killing many people. г) amer. разориться...

    separate out 
    • separate out выделять(ся); разъединять(ся) The scientist tried to separate out the precious chemical from the substance in which it was found. The oil and water will separate out if the mixture is left standing....

    property noun 
    • property noun 3) свойство, качество; the chemical properties of iron - химические свойства железа...

    dig in 
    • dig in а) зарывать Dig this chemical in thoroughly and your crops will grow faster. б) вонзать (шпоры, нож и т.п.) This meal is so hard, you have to dig the knife in before you can cut it. в) окапываться The soldiers were ordered to dig in. г) укореняться, закрепляться I had plenty of time to dig myself in when I started the new job. Get dug in as quickly as you can, then the work won't worry you. д) жадно начинать есть Dinner's ready, dig in, everybody!...

    agent noun 
    • agent noun 4) действующая сила; фактор; вещество - chemical agent - physical agent road agent amer. - разбойник с большой дороги agent provocateur pl. agents provocateurs; fr. - провокатор Syn: see performer...

    combine 2. v. 
    • combine 2. v. 1) объединять(ся) против кого-л., чего-л. (against); с кем-л., чем-л. (with) убедить, обманом выманить The clever salesman cheated the old lady into (out of) giving him all her money. Small nations often have to combine against the power of a large one. Let us combine our two firms against our competitors. The members decided to combine the tennis club with the cricket club, forming one sports club. This chemical combines with air to form a liquid....

    blow up 
    • blow up а) начинать дуть it looks as if it's blowing up for severe weather. б) раздувать You'll have to blow up the fire to make it burn. в) взрывать to blow up the hell перевернуть все вверх дном The soldiers blew up the enemy bridge. г) взлетать на воздух (при взрыве) A chemical factory blew up in the North of England. д) coll. бранить, ругать Mother will blow you up when she finds her best dishes broken. Mother will blow up at you when she finds her best dishes broken. е) coll. выходить из себя ж) phot. увеличивать The photographer blew the picture of the child up and entered it for a national competition. з) усиливаться (о ветре) There was a storm blowing up while we were out at sea. и) возникать Trouble is blowing up again in the Middle East. к) надувать Help me to blow up these tyres, will you? These plastic balls don't blow up easily. л) разрушать, расстраивать The lawyer's case blew up because he had no proof. The plan blew up in his face. We'll soon blow up his plan. м) раздувать факты, чье-л. тщеславие, значение He always blows up his adventures to make them seem better than they were. The crowd blew him up with their praise....

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