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    decorate v. 
    • decorate v. 1) украшать, декорировать (with) At Christmas we decorate the living rooms with coloured paper and lights....

    fatten v. 
    • fatten v. 1) откармливать на убой (тж. fatten out) The farmer is fattening up the chickens for Christmas....

    gorge 2. v. 
    • gorge 2. v. 1) жадно есть, объедаться (on/with) Every Christmas, people gorge (themselves) on rich food that they can't afford, and then complain about large bills and stomach troubles!...

    foul up 
    • foul up портить Don't foul up this chance. I hope the chairman won't foul things up, we have everything arranged nicely. The post is fouled up by Christmas delays....

    lade 2. v. 
    • lade 2. v. 1) грузить, нагружать, погружать (with) The farmer's cart was laden with the vegetable crop. The Christmas tree was laden with gifts....

    eve II noun 
    into force 
    • into force вступать в силу to come into notice привлечь внимание to come into play начать действовать to come into position mil. занять позицию to come into sight появиться г) присоединяться Several new members have come into the club since Christmas. We can run our own business without all the lawyers coming into it....

    pass between 
    • pass between ответить на какое-либо действие тем же действием, обменяться (словами, взглядами и т.п.); After the angry words that passed between us last Christmas, I doubt if we shall ever speak to each other again. Tell no one of the secret that has passed between us....

    look round 
    • look round а) оглядываться кругом; Don't look round now, but I think we're being followed. б) взвесить все (прежде чем действовать); Can I help you? No, thanks, I'm just looking round. в) посещать; You've expressed a great deal of interest in the new buildings; would you like to look round? г) искать; I've been looking about for a better job since Christmas....

    dust off 
    • dust off а) вытирать пыль с чего-л. He dusted off the old book and handed it to me. б) coll. снова использовать что-л., снова делать что-л. If the family are all coming for Christmas, I'd better dust off the large meat tin. Dust off your old skills and prepare for new responsibilities....

    dress up 
    • dress up а) изысканно одевать(ся) Are we going to dress up for the wedding, or is it informal? б) надевать маскарадный костюм в) наряжать(ся) Mary (was) dressed up for the party. We shall dress the room up for Christmas. You can dress these old chairs up in new covers. г) переодеваться The children enjoy dressing up in Mother's old clothes. д) mil. выстраивать солдат Dress up the men so that the general can see them....

    flash back 
    • flash back возвращаться к прошлому The film flashed back to the earlier scene, so that we understood her reasons. My mind flashed back to last Christmas....

    baza(a)r noun 
    • baza(a)r noun 3) большой магазин; большой торговый зал - Christmas bazaar...

    send round 
    • send round а) распространять, рассылать Have you sent round the notice about the Christmas party yet? Details of the pay agreement are being sent round the factory. б) пересылать, посылать (кого-л., что-л. в другое место) When the visitors arrive at your office, would you send them round (to mine)? в) пускать по кругу to send round the bottle (the hat) пустить бутылку (шапку) по кругу...

    fall on 
    • fall on а) нападать; набрасываться The hungry children fell on the food. The soldiers fell on the enemy. б) выпадать на чью-л. долю It falls on me to thank our chairman for his speech. в) приступать к чему-л. He fell on the new idea and in the course of time wrote an important book about it. г) достигать Sunlight fell on the water, making it shine. д) приходиться на какое-л. число Christmas Day falls on a Thursday this year. My birthday falls on a Sunday....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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