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    beguile out of 
    • beguile out of обманом заставить кого-л. сделать что-л. Their leaders beguiled the men into a false sense of their own power. The clever salesman beguiled the old lady out of her money....

    reckon v. 
    • reckon v. 2) рассматривать, считать за; думать, предполагать, придерживаться мнения; to be reckoned (as) a clever person - считаться умным человеком; The city council reckons its library as an important part of public service....

    regard 2. v. 
    • regard 2. v. 2) рассматривать; считать; They regarded him as their enemy. She has always been regarded as clever....

    defend v. 
    • defend v. 1) оборонять(ся), защищать(ся) (against/from - против, от; with - с помощью) The army prepared to defend the nation against attack by the enemy. What can we do to defend ourselves against continuously rising prices? If you go alone into the forest, you'd better defend yourself with a knife. The fighter defended his body with some clever blows to his opponent....

    eat up 
    • eat up а) пожирать; поглощать eaten up with pride снедаемый гордостью б) быстро покрывать какое-л. расстояние The boat was eating her way up towards the wind в) разрушать, разбивать (оппонента) He was such a clever speaker that he always ate up the opposition. You shouldn't have put the new teacher in charge of that troublesome class, they'll eat him up. г) ранить чьи-л. чувства Is something eating her up? She seems worried....

    drain from 
    • drain from уезжать Thousands of clever men drained from Britain in the years just after the war. The chance of better pay and advantages has drained many good men away from Britain....

    at prep. 
    • at prep. 9) указывает на сферу проявления способностей к clever at physics - способный к физике; good at languages - способный к языкам at that - а) притом, к тому же; she lost her handbag and a new one at that она потеряла сумочку, да еще новую к тому же; б) на том; let it go at that на том мы и покончили...

    deceive v. 
    • deceive v. обманывать; вводить в заблуждение (into - в чем-л.; with - чем-л.) The clever salesman deceived the old lady into lending him all her money for his business, by telling her that she would get rich. Advertisers are now forbidden to deceive the public with false claims. - deceive oneself - be deceived in Syn: see trick...

    decide between 
    • decide between выбирать между кем-л., чем-л. It's difficult to decide between these two clever students for the prize. I can't decide between these two attractive houses, it's often difficult to decide between going for a walk and having a swim....

    stroke 1. noun 
    • stroke 1. noun 4) прием, ход; a clever stroke - ловкий ход; it was a stroke of genius - это было гениально; a stroke of luck - удача...

    mighty 2. adv. 
    • mighty 2. adv. coll. чрезвычайно, очень; that is mighty easy - это очень легко; he thinks himself mighty clever - он считает себя очень умным...

    skate round 
    • skate round coll. а) избегать, касаясь вскользь (какой-л. темы и т. п.) Don't try to skate round the question by changing the subject. б) обойти (какие-л. трудности и т.п.) If you are clever you can sometimes skate round the tax laws....

    crack open 
    • crack open разбивать чьи-л. аргументы A clever lawyer will be able to crack your case wide open....

    delude v. 
    • delude v. вводить в заблуждение (into), обманывать We have been deluded into false hopes by the government's meaningless promises. The clever salesman deluded the old lady into thinking that she would get rich if she lent him her money for his business. to delude oneself - заблуждаться; обманывать себя Syn: see trick...

    roll up 
    • roll up а) скатывать; свертывать(ся); завертывать(ся) I kept myself warm by rolling myself up in all the clothes. б) coll. появиться внезапно, заявиться He rolled up when it suited him. в) увеличиваться, накапливаться Club membership has been rolling up for the past few months. г) mil. атаковать фланги; расширять участок прорыва A clever move on our part rolled up the enemy's weak side....

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