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    shore I noun 
    • shore I noun берег (моря, озера); on shore - на берегу; in shore - у берега; ближе к берегу Syn: bank, beach, coast, littoral, stand...

    inhospitable adj. 
    • inhospitable adj. 2) суровый inhospitable coast - суровый, неласковый берег...

    cast up 
    • cast up а) извергать, выбрасывать (из воды) Pieces of wood are cast up all along this coast. A body was cast up last night. б) вскидывать (глаза, голову) в) подсчитывать Please cast up this list of figures for me. г) напоминать о чем-л. (неприятном) He is always casting up my old failures (at me). д) amer.; coll. тошнить, рвать Jane has cast up her dinner again. Jane has been casting up all morning....

    break through 
    • break through а) появляться (о солнце или луне) The sun broke through after days of rain. б) прорваться, пробиться Foreign forces have broken through on the coast. в) сделать важное открытие; добиться научных достижений; совершить прорыв Scientists think they have broken through in their attempt to find the causes of many major diseases. Now that women have broken through in the field of medicine, we can expect more women doctors. г) проломить; проложить дорогу сквозь что-то твердое We had to break through the solid wall to reach the prisoners. д) преодолеть It was difficult at first to break through her quiet manner. We are now flying faster than the speed of sound; we've broken through the sound barrier....

    go down 
    • go down а) спускаться; опускаться to go down in the world опуститься, потерять былое положение (в обществе) б) затонуть Three ships went down in last night's storm off the coast. в) садиться (о солнце) As the sun went down below the horizon, the sky became pink and gold. г) быть побежденным After so many victories, our team went down in the last game! The city went down before the enemy. д) стихать (о ветре) е) быть приемлемым для кого-л.; быть одобренным (with - кем-л.) ж) быть проглоченным The child coughed and coughed because a piece of bread had gone down the wrong way. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. з) быть записанным Our secret plans must not go down on paper. и) уезжать на каникулы It must seem very quiet in the university town when the students have gone down for the summer. к) понравиться кому-л. Jim went down well with Mary's parents on his first visit. л) не удаваться The business has been going down all winter; perhaps trade will be better in the spring. One of my best students went down in the examination....

    be out а) не быть 
    • be out а) не быть дома, в комнате и т.п. б) расцветать The roses should be out next week. в) быть старомодным Long skirts are out one year and in the next. г) заканчивать(ся) The sun will shine before the day is out. д) совершать ошибки в чем-л. I was out in my calculations. No, I'm sorry, you're a long way out if you think that. е) быть напечатанным; становиться известным it's no use trying to keep it a secret, the story is out now. When will the next magazine be out? ж) отступать (о приливе) When the tide is out, the sand stretches for a long way. з) (о луне, солнце, звездах) появляться Look, the moon is out, isn't it beautiful. и) прекращать работу из-за расхождения во мнениях The miners will be out until their demands are met. к) быть вынужденным покинуть группу, коллектив If they find out what you did with the club money, you'll be out on your ear! Anyone, who refuses to accept the new committee is out at once. л) не принимать во внимание, не рассматривать In view of the increased cost, I'm afraid a new car is out this year. м) выпускать из тюрьмы When will you be out? I shan't be out for another year yet. You could be out sooner if you behave yourself. н) быть без сознания When he was out for more than ten minutes, we got worried. At the first blow, he was out for the count. He could be hurt, he's out like a light о) выдаваться (об официальном документе) There's a warrant out for your brother-are you hiding him from the police? п) не работать (обычно из-за повреждения) The telephones are out along most of the coast since the storm....

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