Российская Информационная Сеть


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    fire fighter noun 
    fire fighter noun 
    fighter pilot noun 
    strike home 
    • strike home а) достичь цели (об ударе); Just as the old fighter was tiring, his blow struck home and the young fighter fell unconscious to the floor; б) производить желаемый эффект на кого-л.; The news struck home as he suddenly saw the effect that it would have on his own life strike in вмешиваться (в разговор); 'I know where she was!' Jane struck in....

    form 1. noun 
    • form 1. noun 17) railways формирование (поездов) Syn: configuration, contour, figure, outline, shape, structure Ant: content, formlessness, shapelessness...

    plant I 2. v. 
    • plant I 2. v. 9) наносить удар; ударять с силой; The young fighter planted a blow on his opponent's chin that seemed to hurt him....

    prod 2. v. 
    • prod 2. v. 1) тыкать, колоть; He prodded at the meat with his knife. The fighter won not by a single blow, but by prodding at his opponent so effectively that he weakened him....

    reel II 2. v. 
    • reel II 2. v. 4) качаться; покачнуться, пошатнуться (от удара, потрясения и т.п.); The fighter reeled back when the heavy blow landed unexpectedly on his chin....

    spar III 2. v. 
    • spar III 2. v. 1) боксировать; This promising young fighter needs a tough opponent to spar with....

    ward off 
    • ward off а) отражать, отвращать (удар, опасность); The fighter had to ward off a dangerous blow. б) держать кого-л. на расстоянии; She was so beautiful that she had difficulty in warding off all the men who wanted to marry her....

    clean up on 
    • clean up on а) извлекать выгоду из чего-л. The company cleaned up on their recent business arrangement. б) побеждать кого-л. The fighter cleaned up on his opponent....

    counter III 4. v. 
    • counter III 4. v. 2) sport нанести встречный удар (в боксе) (with - чем-л.) And now the old fighter counters with a blow to the body. His young opponent counters with his left....

    be down for the count 
    • be down for the count быть в нокауте (бокс) I think the young fighter is down for the count, yes, it's all over! Last time he was only down for a count of three....

    defend v. 
    • defend v. 1) оборонять(ся), защищать(ся) (against/from - против, от; with - с помощью) The army prepared to defend the nation against attack by the enemy. What can we do to defend ourselves against continuously rising prices? If you go alone into the forest, you'd better defend yourself with a knife. The fighter defended his body with some clever blows to his opponent....

    strike at 
    • strike at а) наносить удар, нападать; The fighter struck at his opponent but missed; б) нападать (словесно); Many of the newspapers struck at the government's latest plan; в) покушаться; This new law strikes at the rights of every citizen....

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