Российская Информационная Сеть


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    crash I 1. noun 
    crash in 
    crash-landing noun 
    crash a party 
    crash I 1. noun 
    crash I 1. noun 
    gate-crash v.; coll. 
    crash-test 1. noun 
    gate-crash v.; coll. 
    mash I 2. v. 
    • mash I 2. v. 2) раздавливать, разминать (тж. mash up); Two cars were mashed up in a bad crash on the main road...

    walk away 
    • walk away а) уходить; to walk away from smb. обгонять кого-л. без труда; б) уводить; в) coll. унести, украсть (with); Someone got in and walked away with the jewels while we were out. г) оставаться целым и невредимым (после аварии); How could he walk away from a crash like that without a mark on him? д) легко победить; I knew we were going to walk away from the other team....

    couple 2. v. 
    • couple 2. v. 1) соединять во что-л. (on) (тж. couple together/up) Additional carriages can be coupled on (to the train) as needed. The two main parts of the train remained coupled up after the crash. Couple the two pipes together so that the water can flow freely....

    patch 2. v. 
    • patch 2. v. латать; ставить заплаты; hills patched with snow - холмы, местами покрытые снегом - patch up а) чинить на скорую руку; заделывать; подправлять; His trousers were patched up, and he was ashamed of them. б) улаживать (ссору); Have Jim and Mary patched up their quarrel yet? The director and the chairman seem to have patched up their differences of opinion. в) делать что-л. небрежно г) coll. подштопать, заштопать, подлечить; After the car crash, the driver was taken to the hospital to be patched up....

    burn out 
    • burn out а) выжечь The building was burnt out and only the walls remained. The plane was completely burnt out after the crash. б) выгореть в) погореть, остаться без жилья после пожара The family were burnt out of their home twice last year. г) догореть; прекратить горение The small fire can safely be left to burn (itself) out. д) отключиться из-за жары The engine has burned out. е) замирать, переставать работать The poet's ability burned (itself) out before he was thirty. You'll burn yourself out if you work too hard....

    pin 2. v. 
    • pin 2. v. 3) придавить, прижать (к стене и т.п.) (against); связать (кого-л.); - pin down to The crash pinned the driver against the wheel. Pinning his arms against his sides, the thieves searched his pockets. - pin down - pin on to pin one's ears back - слушать внимательно; Pin back your ears, people, this is quite a story! to pin smb.'s ears back amer.; sl. - наказать кого-л.; расправиться с кем-л.; The other team won a victory over us that really pinned our ears back. The teacher's severe words pinned the children's ears back....

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  3. Психологический возраст
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