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    immerse v. 
    • immerse v. 1) погружать, окунать (in) If the clothes are very dirty, immerse them in soapy water overnight....

    sordid adj. 
    • sordid adj. 3) низкий, подлый; корыстный; sordid desires - низменные желания Syn: see dirty...

    soil II v. 
    • soil II v. пачкать(ся), грязнить(ся); fig. запятнать; to soil one's hands with smth. - марать руки чем-л. Syn: besmirch, dirty, smudge, sully Ant: bleach, clean, purify...

    empty 3. v. 
    • empty 3. v. 1) опорожнять; осушать (стакан); выливать, высыпать; выкачивать, выпускать (into) Empty your bag into your hand to see if you can find the key. Empty the dirty water into the bowl....

    innocent 2. adj. 
    • innocent 2. adj. 6) med. незлокачественный, доброкачественный (о новообразовании) Syn: blameless, guiltless, irreproachable, sinless, untainted, virginalAnt: blameworthy, culpable, depraved, dirty, guilty, immoral, impure, indecent, lewd, unchaste...

    squalid adj. 
    clean 4. v. 
    • clean 4. v. 1) чистить to clean of - отчистить от чего-л. Can you clean the coat of these dirty marks? Lady Macbeth felt that it was hopeless to try to clean her hands of the blood....

    crawl 1. v. 
    • crawl 1. v. 3) кишеть (насекомыми) (with) The cheap room was dark, dirty, and crawling with spiders. Don't buy that meat, it's crawling with flies. After the explosion, the town was crawling with soldiers....

    sanitary adj. 
    • sanitary adj. санитарный, гигиенический; sanitary belt - гигиенический пояс; sanitary engineering - санитарная техника Syn: antiseptic, aseptic, hygienic, sterile Ant: dirty, noxious, polluted, soiled, unsanitary...

    fast I 1. noun 
    • fast I 1. noun пост; to break (one's) fast - разговеться a clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast - беднее, да честнее...

    wash 2. v. 
    • wash 2. v. 13) промывать золотоносный песок - wash away - wash down - wash of - wash out - wash over - wash up to wash one's hands - умыть руки; to wash one's dirty linen in public - выносить сор из избы...

    soak in 
    • soak in а) esp. amer. (постепенно) усваиваться (о мысли и т. п.) The chairman waited until his suggestion had time to soak in before inviting the committee's opinions. б) замачивать (белье и т.п.) If the clothes are very dirty, soak them in soapy water overnight. в) погрузиться, с головой уйти (во что-л.) Only by soaking yourself in the details can you gain a thorough understanding of the subject....

    trick 1. noun 
    • trick 1. noun 3) шутка; шалость; выходка; none of your tricks! - без фокусов!; a dirty trick - подлость, гадость; shabby tricks - гадкие шутки; tricks of fortune - превратности судьбы...

    land on 
    • land on а) наговаривать, обвинять I'm not guilty of the crime, so there's no point in landing on me. The police tried to land the blame on me, but it was useless as I was not guilty. б) ругать The director landed on Jim as soon as he came in, for being late again. в) спихивать на кого-л. Don't try to land your dirty work on me! I had three of our neighbours' children landed on me for the whole afternoon....

    pour out 
    • pour out а) наливать, разливать (чай, вино); отливать; выливать; Would you like me to pour out the tea? б) литься выливаться; When the pipe was unblocked, the dirty water poured out. в) валить наружу (о толпе); The factory workers poured out when the whistle blew. г) сыпать словами; изливать (чувства и т.п.); Weeping, she poured out her troubles to her closest friend....

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