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    EE I Early English noun 
    DEW distant early warning noun 
    • DEW distant early warning noun дальнее радиолокационное обнаружение...

    one`s early days 
    early in life 
    BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning noun 
    • BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning noun система дальнего обнаружения баллистических ракет...

    hour noun 
    • hour noun 1) час at an early hour - рано to keep early/good hours - рано вставать и рано ложиться to keep late/bad hours - поздно вставать и поздно ложиться pay by the hour - почасовая оплата...

    get off 
    • get off а) сойти, слезть That grass is newly seeded, please get off! б) снимать (платье) в) отбывать, отправляться We must be getting off now. We have to get off early tomorrow. г) начинать he got off to a flying start он начал блестяще д) убежать; спастись, отделаться (от наказания и т.п.) The man went to prison but the two boys got off (with a warning). е) откалывать (шутки) I got a good one off today. ж) aeron. отрываться от земли, подниматься з) coll. знакомиться и) чистить There's a dirty mark on the wall that I can't get off. к) спасать (с тонущего корабля) The last three sailors were got off just before the ship sank. л) избежать ранения Seven people in the bus were killed but the train passengers got off lightly. м) засыпать I had a bad night, 1 went to bed early enough, but for some reason I couldn't get off (to sleep). н) учить I've got this poem off by heart already. о) кончать работу I'll meet you after work -- what time do you get off? I get off at 5.30. п) быть в наркотическом опьянении Why didn't you get off? You can't have taken enough of the drug. He gets off on loud music, but I don't....

    possible 1. adj. 
    • possible 1. adj. 1) возможный, вероятный; if possible - если это возможно; as early as possible - как можно раньше - possible ore...

    believe v. 
    • believe v. 3) придавать большое значение I believe in early rising - я считаю очень полезным вставать рано...

    rise 2. v. 
    • rise 2. v. 7) быть в состоянии справиться; The company has risen above its early problems, and is now doing well....

    blossom out 
    • blossom out цвести; распускаться The roses are blossoming out early this year....

    predestine v. 
    • predestine v. предопределять, предназначать; She always had a feeling that she was predestined to an early death....

    stipulate for 
    • stipulate for выговаривать себе что-л.; The other firm are stipulating for an early exchange of information regarding the contract....

    predispose v. 
    • predispose v. предрасполагать (к чему-л.) (to); Her early training and natural ability predisposed her to musicianship as a profession....

    release 2. v. 
    • release 2. v. 1) освобождать (из заключения), выпускать на волю; You can be released from prison early, for good behaviour....

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