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    queer 1. adj. 
    • queer 1. adj. 6) гомосексуальный - in Queer street Syn: crazy, funny, odd, peculiar Ant: normal, usual...

    double over 
    • double over а) складывать вдвое Double the map over so that we can read it more easily. б) скрючить(ся) (от боли, смеха и т.д.) Mary doubled over when Jim walked in wearing his funny clothes....

    knock together 
    • knock together а) сталкивать(ся) These two pieces of wood make a funny noise when you knock them together. б) наспех сколачивать I'm no woodworker, but I can knock a bookshelf together when necessary....

    humorous adj. 
    • humorous adj. 2) смешной, забавный, комический - humorous accident Syn: comic, comical, droll, facetious, funny, jocose, jocular, waggish, witty Ant: dull, gloomy, sedate...

    divert v. 
    • divert v. 3) забавлять, развлекать (with) The little girl diverted the people at her mother's party with her funny sayings. The crowd was greatly diverted with the performance. Syn: see discourage...

    how 1. adv. 
    • how 1. adv. 4) emph. как! how funny! - как смешно!; как странно! and how! amer.; coll. - еще бы!; очень даже (часто ирон.) how do you do?, how d'ye do? - здравствуйте!; как поживаете? how are you? - как поживаете? how about..? - как насчет..? how about going for a walk? - не пойти ли нам погулять? it was a swell party, and how! - вот это была вечеринка! how now? - что это такое?; что это значит?...

    crease up 
    • crease up а) сморщиться The child's face creased up and soon he started crying. The old woman's face was creased up with age. б) помирать со смеху Mary creased up when Jim walked in wearing his funny clothes....

    fall flat 
    • fall flat потерпеть неудачу The chairman's suggestion fell flat at the meeting; no one thought it a good idea. The boys' joke fell flat, their parents did not think it funny....

    fold up 
    • fold up а) свертывать, завертывать I like to fold presents up in pretty paper б) coll. свернуться the business finally folded up last week предприятие, в конце концов, на прошлой неделе прекратило существование в) скорчиться (от боли, смеха) Mary folded up when Jim walked in wearing his funny clothes. The fighter folded up at the sudden heavy blow....

    curl up 
    • curl up а) скручивать(ся), сморщивать(ся) The snake curled up in the long grass. The leaves are curling up in the cold autumn air. б) coll. скрутить (о несчастье, горе и т. п.) в) испытать потрясение, потрясти кого-л. The fighter's well-aimed blow curled his opponent up. The loss of his business just curled him up. г) помирать со смеху Mary just curled up when Jim walked in wearing his funny clothes....

    story I noun 
    • story I noun 1) рассказ, повесть; short story - короткий рассказ, новелла; a good/funny story - анекдот; Canterbury story, Canterbury tale [см. tale ]...

    crack up 
    • crack up coll. а) превозносить; рекламировать б) разбиваться (вдребезги); разрушаться; потерпеть аварию (о самолете); вызвать аварию (самолета) Engine failure cracked the plane up. John cracked up the car for good in the accident. в) стареть; слабеть (от старости) г) превозносить He's always cracking up the town as very good. His abilities are not what they were cracked up to be д) лопаться от смеха, смеяться до упаду Mary cracked up when Sim walked in wearing his funny clothes....

    crazy bone 
    break off 
    • break off а) отламывать The wing of the plane broke off in mid-air and the plane crashed. Mary broke off some of the chocolate to give to the children. б) внезапно прекращать, обрывать (разговор, дружбу, знакомство и т. п.) to break off action/combat/the fight mil. выйти из боя Greece broke off relations with Turkey. Relations between Greece and Turkey have broken off. в) прекращать говорить Jim was in the middle of a funny story when he broke off to answer the telephone. Jim broke off telling the story to answer the telephone....

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