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    hit off 
    • hit off а) точно изобразить немногими штрихами, словами; уловить сходство The boy's performance of the teacher hit her off to perfection. б) импровизировать в) напасть на (след, мысль) г) иметь хорошие отношения с кем-л. How nice that the two girls hit it off so well. Do you hit it off with your husband's mother?...

    unfaithful adj. 
    • unfaithful adj. 1) неверный, вероломный; to be unfaithful to one's husband (wife) - изменять мужу (жене)...

    show around 
    • show around провожать, сопровождать кого-л. куда-л. My husband will show you around while I get the tea....

    enshrine v. 
    • enshrine v. 2) хранить, лелеять (воспоминание и т.п.) (in) The rights of the people are enshrined in the laws. The memory of her dead husband is enshrined in her heart....

    lure 2. v. 
    • lure 2. v. 1) завлекать, соблазнять (обыкн. lure away, lure into, lure to); No woman should allow herself to be lured away from her husband; Cheese is very good for luring a mouse into a trap...

    present II 2. v. 
    • present II 2. v. 3) представлять (кому-л.) (to); to present oneself - представляться, являться; Allow me to present my husband to you....

    hubby noun 
    cleave to 
    • cleave to 2) оставаться верным, преданным кому-л. или какой-л. идее A good wife cleaves to her husband. Loyal party members cleave to their party's political principles....

    beat smb. to his knees 
    • beat smb. to his knees сильно побить кого-л. (чаще в переносном смысле) Since her husband died, the effort of working to support the children and running the home at the same time had beaten her to her knees, and she became ill....

    contend v. 
    • contend v. 3) спорить о чем-л. (about/over) The two nations have been contending about the rights to deep-sea fishing in their waters. The fairy king and queen were contending over possession of the beautiful boy. When a marriage ends, the former husband and wife often contend over the children....

    separate 3. v. 
    • separate 3. v. 2) разлучать(ся); расходиться; When did you separate from your husband?...

    get home 
    • get home а) добраться до дома Did you get home all right? б) выигрывать Did your horse get home? в) быть понятым Her remark about people who forget birthdays got home to her husband at last. The President's speech about the need for saving power got home, and everyone started turning off lights....

    meet with 
    • meet with а) испытать, подвергнуться; I'm afraid your husband has met with a slight accident, but he isn't seriously hurt. б) встретиться с; наткнуться на; I met with an old friend in the town today! в) найти; г) иметь официальную встречу с кем-л.; The politician will meet with his opposite number in the Foreign Ministry of the host country while he is on his official visit....

    bear up 
    • bear up а) поддерживать; подбадривать How could I have lived through Mother's illness without you to bear we up? б) держаться стойко Alice bore up well under the news of her husband's death. в) naut. спускаться (по ветру) We'll have to bear up, the wind is too strong. г) оставаться прочным, не ломаться Do you think that the floor will bear up under the weight of the new machinery?...

    bow down 
    • bow down а) склонять(ся) The apple tree was bowed down with the weight of its fruit. б) заставлять кого-л. страдать Aunt Helen spent years bowed down with grief after the death of her husband. в) ограничивать свободу кого-л. строгим политическим контролем The people of Russia before 1917 were bowed down by the cruelty of the ruling powers. г) признать поражение We shall never bow down to our enemies....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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