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    remain v. 
    • remain v. 2) оставаться, пребывать на прежнем месте; My parents remained in England. Mother was advised to remain indoors for a week....

    rebel 2. v. 
    • rebel 2. v. 2) протестовать, противодействовать; оказывать сопротивление; Children naturally rebel against their parents. The workers are rebelling against conditions in the old factories....

    pollute v. 
    • pollute v. 3) развращать; Parents are afraid that their children's minds will be polluted with the violence that they see on television. Syn: adulterate, contaminate, pervert, vitiate Ant: clean, purge, purify, sterilize...

    pin on 
    • pin on а) возлагать (ответственность, вину); пришивать (дело, преступление); Why are you trying to pin the blame on me? He tried to pin the crime on his companions. б) возлагать надежду, доверять; Many parents pin their hopes on their children. It's unwise to pin your faith on any system of government....

    marry into 
    • marry into присоединиться к какой-л. социальной группе или получить что-л., вступив в брак; What luck she had, marrying into money! Many parents want their daughters to marry into a good family....

    buy out 
    • buy out а) освободиться от выполнения какого-л. обязательства (путём уплаты определённой суммы) Bill's parents paid a lot of money to buy him out of the army. б) выкупать чью-л. долю (в предприятии, фирме и т. п.) Mr Sharp has enough money to buy out the town....

    drift away 
    • drift away разойтись (from) fig. As children grow up, they drift away from their parents' views....

    crash with 
    • crash with переночевать у кого-л. My parents have thrown me out, can I crash with you for tonight?...

    pester v. 
    • pester v. 1) докучать, надоедать, донимать; John pestered his parents with questions. She's been pestering the life out of me over the telephone. Stop pestering me with your advice....

    paltry adj. 
    • paltry adj. 1) пустяковый, ничтожный, мелкий, незначительный; They suffered an electoral catastrophe, winning a paltry 3 seats. The parents had little interest in paltry domestic concerns....

    reproach 2. v. 
    • reproach 2. v. упрекать, укорять, попрекать, бранить; The boy should be reproached for his rudeness. The parents have reproached the school with failing to teach the child how to read. Syn: see rebuke...

    chop about 
    • chop about а) внезапно менять направление (о ветре) б) меняться, изменяться When the storm arose, the wind chopped about and the little boat nearly sank. It's better for a child to be treated severely all the time than to have parents who keep chopping about from kindness to cruelty....

    adoptive adj. 
    • adoptive adj. 1) приемный; усыновленный adoptive parents - усыновители...

    oblige v. 
    • oblige v. 1) обязывать; связывать обязательством; принуждать, заставлять; the law obliges parents to send their children to school - закон обязывает родителей посылать детей в школу; to be obliged to do smth. - быть обязанным сделать что-л....

    consult v. 
    • consult v. 1) советоваться; консультироваться (with - с кем-л.; about - о чем-л.) I intend to consult with my tax lawyer before sending in my tax return. We consult a doctor about our health, and a banker about our money. Parents can consult the teachers about their children....

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  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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