Российская Информационная Сеть


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    payt. payment noun 
    down III 4. adj. 
    co-opt v. 
    • co-opt v. кооптировать куда-л. (onto) Since the lawyer has offered his help without payment, can we co-opt him onto the committee?...

    even II 3. v. 
    • even II 3. v. 3) уравновешивать (тж. even up) This payment should even up our account. If you two sit at the other table, that should even up the groups. A little more weight on this side will even up the balance. to even up on smb. - расквитаться, рассчитаться с кем-л. even as как раз...

    go between 
    • go between быть посредником между The little girl was given a bar of chocolate as her payment for going between her sister and her sister's boyfriend....

    tear across 
    • tear across рвать, разрывать; Offended at being offered payment, he tore the cheque across and sent it back....

    commute v. 
    • commute v. 1) заменять (for) Regular train travellers may commute a single monthly payment for daily tickets....

    anticipate v. 
    • anticipate v. 4) делать что-л., говорить о чем-л. и т.п. раньше времени; забегать вперед - anticipate payment...

    stop 2. v. 
    • stop 2. v. 2) прекращать(ся); кончать(ся); stop grumbling! - перестаньте ворчать!; to stop payment - прекратить платежи, обанкротиться...

    cease 1. v. 
    • cease 1. v. 2) приостанавливать (часто с герундием) - cease talking - cease fire! - cease payment Syn: see stop...

    come down on 
    • come down on а) требовать от кого-л. The debt collector came down on us for payment. Mother came down on me to clean my room. б) наказывать кого-л. The courts will come down (heavily) on young criminals. в) ругать кого-л. The director came down on Jim for being late again. г) решать в пользу кого-л. The chairman will have to come down on one side or the other soon....

    suspension noun 
    • suspension noun 3) econ. приостановление платежей (тж. suspension of payment(s); банкротство...

    back II 2. adj. 
    • back II 2. adj. 2) запоздалый; просроченный (о платеже); просроченный платеж - back payment...

    mean II 1. noun 
    • mean II 1. noun 3) pl., also as sg. средство; способ; the means and instruments of production - орудия и средства производства; it is by no means cheap - это отнюдь не дешево - the means of communication - the means of circulation - the means of payment - means of employment - by all means - by any means - by means of... - by no means...

    extended adj. 
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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
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  3. Психологический возраст
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  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
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  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
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  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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