выборка | описание |
blot 1. noun
- blot 1. noun 3) пятно; позор, бесчестье a blot on the landscape prov. - ложка дегтя в бочке меда Syn: see stigma...
seduce v.
- seduce v. 2) пленять; I was seduced by the beauty of the landscape. - seduce from - seduce into Syn: see tempt...
cut loose
- cut loose а) освободиться The painter cut himself loose from family responsibilities, and went to live on a tropical island. б) буянить When Sim gets drunk, he always cuts loose....
artist noun
- artist noun 3) мастер своего дела Syn: craftsman, creator, designer, painter, stylist, virtuoso...
acclaim 1. v.
- acclaim 1. v. 2) провозглашать to acclaim smb. (the) winner - провозгласить кого-л. победителем he was acclaimed as England's greatest modern painter - он был провозглашен величайшим современным художником Англии Syn: see praise...
describe v.
- describe v. 1) описывать, изображать; характеризовать(ся) (as) I would describe him as an excellent teacher. Would you describe this piece of music as well written? The prisoner described himself as an unemployed painter. to describe one's purposes - изложить свои намерения...
be ahead of
- be ahead of быть впереди кого-л., чего-л., опережать кого-л., что-л. For a few minutes Jim was ahead of all the other runners, until his greatest competitor passed him. That boy is always ahead of his fellows. A great painter is usually ahead of his time....
go off
- go off а) убежать, сбежать Why did the painter leave his family and go off to live on a tropical island? б) уходить со сцены At the end of this scene, the murderer goes off, hearing the police arrive. в) терять сознание; умирать г) сойти, пройти the concert went off well концерт прошел хорошо д) выстрелить (об оружии); fig. выпалить A gun goes off every day to mark exactly one o'clock. е) ослабевать (о боли и т.п.) ж) стать хуже; испортиться (о мясе и т.п.) The quality of performance has gone off since last year. з) отделаться от чего-л.; сбыть, продать и) засыпать I had a bad night; I went to bed early enough, but for some reason I couldn't go off....
clean up
- clean up а) прибирать, приводить в порядок This room needs cleaning up. б) заканчивать начатую работу в) jargon сорвать большой куш The brothers cleaned up a profit in the property market. It was annoying to lose money on the deal when others cleaned up. г) мыть(ся) 'Wait for me. I have to clean up', said the painter. It won't take me long to clean myself up, and then I'll be ready. д) улучшать The newly elected leader has declared his intention of cleaning up the city council. е) mil. добить врага Leave a few men behind to clean up the last of the enemy positions....
something 1. pron.
- something 1. pron. indef.; as noun что-то, кое-что, нечто, что-нибудь; something else - что-нибудь другое; to be up to something - замышлять что-то недоброе; he is something in the Record Office - он занимает какую-то должность в Архиве; he is something of a painter - он до некоторой степени художник; I felt there was a little something wanting - я чувствовал, что чего-то не хватает; it is something to be safe home again - приятно вернуться домой целым и невредимым; there is something about it in the papers - об этом упоминается в газетах; there is something in what you say - в ваших словах есть доля правды; the train gets in at two something - поезд прибывает в два с чем-то to think oneself something, to think something of oneself - быть высокого мнения о себе...
- sign-writer = sign-painter...
- scene-designer = scene-painter...
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