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    mediate 2. v. 
    • mediate 2. v. 1) посредничать (between); A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they cannot reach agreement in direct talks....

    go away 
    • go away а) уходить, убираться There was no answer to my knock, so I went away. б) заканчиваться Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. в) сбегать The farmer's daughter and the lawyer's son have gone away together! г) лидировать (на скачках, в гонках) The favourite is going away nicely now, and is sure to win. д) верить во что-л. (with) Don't go away with the idea that you won't have to pay for it....

    liaise v. 
    • liaise v. 1) поддерживать связь (between/with); A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to liaise between the employers and the union leaders, since they cannot reach agreement in direct talks...

    confer v. 
    • confer v. 2) обсуждать, совещаться (together, with) The prisoner asked permission to confer with his lawyer....

    disbar v. 
    • disbar v. leg. лишать звания адвоката, лишать права адвокатской практики (from) The young lawyer was disbarred from practice after he had been found guilty of unlawful acts....

    pass for 
    • pass for а) выдержать, сдать (экзамен); My son hopes to pass for a lawyer. б) сойти (за кого-л.), слыть (кем-л.); Do you think he will pass for a cook wearing that hat? She could pass for a much younger woman....

    consult v. 
    • consult v. 1) советоваться; консультироваться (with - с кем-л.; about - о чем-л.) I intend to consult with my tax lawyer before sending in my tax return. We consult a doctor about our health, and a banker about our money. Parents can consult the teachers about their children....

    search out 
    • search out разыскать, найти to search out an old friend разыскать старого друга The lawyer searched out the weaknesses in the witness's statement....

    spell out 
    • spell out а) читать по складам, с трудом; His handwriting was so bad that I had to spell out what he had written with great difficulty; б) расшифровать, разобрать (обыкн. с трудом); Get a lawyer to spell out the contract for you, so that you understand your responsibilities if you sign it; в) продиктовать или произнести по буквам...

    rank I 2. v. 
    • rank I 2. v. 3) занимать какое-л. место; he ranks high as a lawyer (scholar) - он видный адвокат (ученый); a general ranks with an admiral - генерал по чину (званию) равняется адмиралу Tom's book ranks among the most important to be printed this year. She ranks as the finest teacher we have....

    barrister noun 
    crack open 
    • crack open разбивать чьи-л. аргументы A clever lawyer will be able to crack your case wide open....

    attorney noun 
    • attorney noun leg. поверенный; `адвокат; юрист; прокурор Attorney General - генеральный атторней (в Англии); министр юстиции (в США) district/circuit attorney - прокурор округа (в США) - by attorney Syn: see lawyer...

    solicitor noun 
    draw up 
    • draw up а) составлять (документ) The general has drawn up a plan to defeat the enemy. Has your lawyer drawn up the contract yet? б) останавливаться the carriage drew up before the door экипаж остановился у подъезда в) refl. подтянуться; выпрямиться He drew himself up to his full height. г) mil. выстраивать(ся) The soldiers were drawn up in battle lines. The royal carriage was drawn up outside the palace, ready for the Queen's journey....

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