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    parade 2. v. 
    • parade 2. v. 2) выставлять напоказ; Valentino is keen to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions. Five leading Communist fighters have been paraded before the media....

    lead up to 
    • lead up to а) постепенно подготовлять; The newspapers faithfully reported the events that led up to the Minister's dismissal. б) наводить разговор на что-л.; The speaker took far too long leading up to his main point....

    play up to 
    • play up to подыгрывать; fig. подлизываться; Your job as a supporting actor is to play up to the leading character....

    above 1. adv. 
    • above 1. adv. 3) наверх a staircase leading above - лестница (ведущая) наверх he was led above - его провели наверх from above - сверху...

    be at each other`s throats 
    • be at each other's throats набрасываться друг на друга Don't let those dogs off their chains or they'll be at each others throats in minutes! It wasn't long before the two leading politicians were at each other's throats as usual....

    draw away 
    • draw away а) уводить The crowd cheered as the ship drew slowly away. б) отвлекать в) sport оторваться от противника And now the leading horse is drawing away from the rest, putting a greater distance between himself and the nearest runner....

    be ahead 
    • be ahead быть впереди (особенно в соревновании), опережать And now Oxford are ahead, they're leading by three lengths. Jane used to have difficulty with her school work, but she's been ahead for several months now....

    queen 2. v. 
    • queen 2. v. 3) chess проводить пешку или проходить в ферзи - queen it over queen it over разыгрывать из себя начальницу; She may be the leading singer, but that does not give her the right to queen it over the other performers....

    fall off 
    • fall off а) отпадать; отваливаться б) уменьшаться; ослабевать Student numbers have been falling off recently. Interest in the game has fallen off. в) naut. не слушаться руля (о корабле) The leading boat fell off when the wind grew too strong....

    lead to 
    • lead to а) приводить к каким-л. результатам; The students in this college are all taking courses leading to a degree. б) быть причиной чего-л.; Social drinking may lead to alcoholism. Disobeying the law can lead to trouble....

    be abreast of 
    • be abreast of а) быть наравне с кем-л., чем-л. Jim was abreast of the leading runner for a few minutes but then fell behind. б) быть в курсе дела Scientists have to be abreast of the latest discoveries and developments if they want to advance in their profession....

    stay with 
    • stay with а) оставаться на одном уровне; Jim was able to stay with the leading runner for most of the race until he weakened and had to drop back; б) продолжать использовать что-л.; Let's stay with the present arrangements until a better plan is thought of; в) продолжать обращать внимание на кого-л.; Stay with me for a few more minutes and you'll see the point of the story....

    pull up 
    • pull up а) останавливать(ся); The driver pulled the bus up only just in time to avoid hitting the child. б) сдерживаться; to pull oneself up собираться с силами; брать себя в руки; в) осаживать; делать выговор; The director pulled Jim up for being late again today. г) идти впереди других или наравне с другими (в состязаниях); Once he gets his breath, he'll soon pull up to the leading runner. д) coll. исправлять, улучшать, совершенствовать (знания и т. п.); You'll have to pull up your English....

    question 1. noun 
    • question 1. noun 1) вопрос; ask me no questions - не задавайте мне вопросов; to put a question to - задавать вопрос [см. тж. question 2) ]; indirect/oblique question - косвенный вопрос; leading question - наводящий вопрос...

    draw on 
    • draw on а) натягивать, надевать (перчатки и т.п.) Help me to draw on these boots, they're very light. б) подбадривать, обнадеживать Her refusal only drew her lover on. They drew the poor child on with false promises. в) наступать, приближаться autumn is drawing on осень приближается г) черпать, заимствовать д) использовать I shall have to draw on the money I have saved to pay for the holiday. A writer has to draw on his imagination and experience. е) поравняться Black Prince is beginning to draw on the leading horse....

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