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    ablaze 2. adj.; predic. 
    • ablaze 2. adj.; predic. 2) (with) сверкающий, сияющий; блистающий ablaze with lights - сверкающий огнями his face was ablaze with excitement - его лицо горело от волнения...

    cross over 
    • cross over а) переходить, пересекать, переезжать, переправляться Cross over at the traffic lights, where the road is safe. He crossed over to the window to see if it was still misty. If we had a boat we could cross over to the island. б) сменить политическую ориентацию The Minister has threatened to cross over to the other side if the government refuses to accept his decision. The politician crossed over and joined the Opposition....

    north light(s) noun 
    winkers noun; pl.; coll. 
    put off 
    • put off а) высаживать, выпускать; Would you please put me off (the train) at the railway station? б) выключать (электричество и т.п.); Please put off all the lights as you leave the building. в) откладывать; Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. г) отделываться (от кого-л.), отменить (что-л.); to put off with a jest отделаться шуткой; I've no money; so how can I put the rent collector off? д) вызывать отвращение; Her face quite puts me off ее лицо меня отталкивает; I was hungry, but the smell of the bad meat put me off. е) мешать, отвлекать (от чего-л.); Don't laugh while I'm playing the piano, you put me off. Don't talk, it puts him off his game. ж) отбрасывать (страхи, сомнения и т.п.); How can I put off these fearful doubts? з) rare подсовывать, всучивать (кому-л.); и) naut. отчаливать; The ship at last put off, to the cheers of the waiting crowd....

    keep on 
    • keep on а) продолжать (делать что-л.) to keep on reading продолжать читать to keep on fire поддерживать огонь б) сохранять в прежнем положении he was kept on at his old job его оставили на прежней работе в) не снимать; оставлять to keep on one's hat не снимать шляпы г) оставлять включенным (электричество) There is no need for tall office buildings to keep their lights on all night, when the government has asked every one to save power. д) продолжать путешествие Turn left at the comer and keep on as far as the church. Keep right on to the end of the road. е) продолжпть действовать, упорствовать Even if you fail the examination again, you must try to keep on until you pass. Keep on with your studies, however hard it sometimes seems. ж) продлить аренду I'll keep the flat on through the summer, so as to have it ready when we come back. I'd like to keep this car on for another week, if that's possible. з) распространяться Don't keep on so, it'll only make you worry more. The teacher kept on and on about good behaviour, as usual. и) ругать (at/onto) She keeps on at the children all day about one thing or another....

    go off half-cock 
    • go off half-cock говорить/поступать необдуманно, опрометчиво go on а) (упорно) продолжать, идти дальше The police examined the cars and then allowed them to go on. б) длиться for going on a year в течение года в) coll. придираться, спорить г) вести себя Now that our quarrel is over, can we go on as we did before? I can't go on like this, I've got to get help. д) продолжать что-л. (особ. после перерыва) Do go on, I am listening. When you've finished those questions, go on to page 41. Why have you stopped? Go on with your work! е) спешить Go on! There isn't a moment to lose! ж) продолжать разговор How she does go on? Don 't keep going on so, we've all heard your story before. з) иметь место; случаться There's a wedding going on at the church. A crowd gathered to see what was going on. и) выключаться (об электричестве) The street lights go on when it gets dark and go off at midnight. к) развиваться How is your work going on? It's going on nicely, thank you. л) поддерживать дружеские отношения с кем-л. We all go on well with each other here in the school. м) выходить на сцену или спортивную площадку I was so nervous when I went on....

    come on 
    • come on а) приближаться; налететь, разразиться (о ветре, шквале) a storm is coming on приближается гроза б) появляться (на сцене) The next player came on. When does the great actor come on? в) натыкаться, наскакивать; поражать (о болезни) г) расти д) преуспевать; делать успехи е) наступать, нападать ж) рассматриваться (в суде) з) возникать (о вопросе) и) come on! живей!; продолжайте!; идем (тж. как формула вызова) к) следовать за кем-л. I'll go ahead, and you come on later. The teacher went by train to his new job, and the family came on by bus. л) включаться (о механизмах) Just as I entered the house, all the lights came on. м) спешить Come on, children, or we'll be late! н) выражение недоверия Oh, come on! I know better than that! come out а) выходить to come out of oneself стать менее замкнутым б) появляться (в печати) When does Tom's new book come out? The writer's opinion comes out in the newspaper every morning. в) дебютировать (на сцене, в обществе) Is Mrs King-Brown's daughter coming out this year? г) обнаруживаться; проявляться the secret came out секрет раскрылся д) распускаться (о листьях, цветах) The flowers are coming out in everyone's gardens. е) забастовать The Post Office workers have come out. ж) выводиться, сводиться (о пятнах) Do you think that dirty mark will come out? з) выступить (с заявлением, разоблачением) (with) The politician came out against the government. The speaker came out for improved rights for all women everywhere. и) выпалить (with) Jim came out with a strange remark. к) освобождаться (из тюрьмы) It's been a long year, but he comes out next Friday. л) выходить, получаться (о фотографиях) Mary always comes out well in her pictures. How did the photographs come out? I'm afraid our holiday photos didn't come out. м) направляться в другую страну When are your family coming out to join you?...

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