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    be against 
    • be against а) противостоять кому-л., чему-л. Driving without seat belts may soon be against the law. Father was against (his daughter) marrying young. б) противоречить чему-л. Lying is against my principles. It's against nature to wear high shoes....

    shove down 
    • shove down а) нажимать, надавливать; придавливать The grass had been shoved down in places where people had been lying. б) проталкивать вниз (сквозь что-л.) You'll have to shove the brush down the pipe....

    foreign adj. 
    • foreign adj. 3) чуждый lying is foreign to his nature - ложь не в его характере...

    descend v. 
    • descend v. 5) пасть; опуститься (морально); унизиться (to - до чего-л.) If a prisoner is badly treated he may descend to violence. I'm surprised that you would descend to lying....

    scorn 2. v. 
    • scorn 2. v. презирать; to scorn lying - не унижаться до лжи Syn: see despise...

    cover up 
    • cover up а) спрятать, тщательно прикрыть He tried to cover up his guilt by lying. б) закрывать The child kept kicking the bedclothes off, so his mother had to keep covering him up. Cover yourself up, it's cold. Cover up the soup to keep it hot....

    abhorrence noun 
    • abhorrence noun 1) вызывающий отвращение, претящий; отвратительный; гнусный, мерзкий abhorrent deed - гнусное деяние lying is abhorrent to an honest man - честному человеку ложь противна...

    before 2. prep. 
    • before 2. prep. 6) скорее... чем he would die before lying - он скорее умрет, чем солжет...

    lie down 
    • lie down а) ложиться; прилечь; Mother isn't feeling too well and has gone to lie down. б) принимать без сопротивления, покорно; to take (punishment, an insult, etc.) lying down принимать (наказание, оскорбление и т.п.) покорно, не обижаясь; to lie down under (an insult) проглотить (оскорбление)...

    refuge 1. noun 
    • refuge 1. noun 1) убежище; fig. прибежище; to take (to give) refuge - найти (дать) убежище; to take refuge in lying - прибегнуть ко лжи; to take refuge in silence - отмалчиваться...

    approximately 2. prep. 
    • approximately 2. prep. 1) в пространственном значении указывает на а) местоположение вокруг какого-л. предмета вокруг, кругом; б) нахождение в разных местах тут и там, по; в) близость неподалёку, поблизости, около there was a fence about the garden - вокруг сада был забор to gather about the fire - собираться у камина или вокруг костра the folks about us - окружающие нас люди all his belongings were lying about the floor - все его вещи были разбросаны по полу I dropped it somewhere about here - я уронил это где-то здесь...

    bring home to 
    • bring home to а) убедить кого-л., заставить кого-л. поверить во что-л. You must bring the difficulty home to John. You must bring home to John what the difficulty is. б) уличить кого-л. The courts are making efforts to lying their crimes home to the young people....

    take 1. v. 
    • take 1. v. 26) tech. твердеть, схватываться (о цементе и т.п.) - take part - take effect - take leave - take notice - take a holiday - take a breath - take root - take vote - take offence - take pity on smb. - take place - take shelter - take steps - take a step - take a tan - take aback - take aboard - take about - take action about - take umbrage about - take abroad - take across - take after - take against - take along - take amiss - take apart - take around - take as - take as read - take ashore - take aim at - take a shot at - take at word - take away - take back - take below - take by - take down - take it easy - take for - take from - take hard - take home - take in - take into - take kindly - take charge of - take off - take on - take out - take over - take sick - take smb. through smth. - take to smth. - take to smb. - take to a place - take the sea - take to one's heels - take to earth - take unawares - take up - take up with - take up quarters - take upon oneself - take with - take sides with - take liberties with to take it into one's head - забрать себе в голову, возыметь желание to take it lying down - безропотно сносить что-л. to take to the woods amer. - уклоняться от своих обязанностей (особ. от голосования) to take too much - подвыпить, хлебнуть лишнего to take the biscuit sl. - взять первый приз take it or leave it - как хотите; либо да, либо нет Syn: see carry...

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