Российская Информационная Сеть


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    the Queen dowager 
    Q.C. Queen`s Counsel noun 
    Qu Queen noun 
    salute 2. v. 
    elevate v. 
    • elevate v. 2) повышать (по службе) (to) The Queen rewarded the Minister for years of faithful service by elevating him to the House of Lords....

    rule 2. v. 
    • rule 2. v. 1) управлять, править, властвовать; руководить; господствовать; Queen Victoria ruled over the British Empire for more than 60 years....

    prefer v. 
    • prefer v. 2) повышать (в чине); продвигать (по службе); The Queen has agreed to prefer the Minister to a seat in the House of Lords....

    crown 2. v. 
    • crown 2. v. 1) венчать; короновать (with) The Queen was crowned with a crown formerly worn by an ancient king....

    virgin 2. adj. 
    • virgin 2. adj. 6) не бывший в употреблении; первый the Virgin Queen hist. - королева Елизавета I...

    portray v. 
    • portray v. 2) изображать; описывать; to portray with a few strokes - обрисовать несколькими штрихами; The old queen was portrayed as a selfish bitter woman....

    gawk 2. v. 
    • gawk 2. v. смотреть с глупым видом; таращить глаза (at) In the summer, crowds of tourists come to gawk at our famous old buildings. I expect that the Queen does not enjoy being gawked at....

    pretty 4. v. 
    • pretty 4. v. coll. (up) прихорашивать (кого-л., что-л.); They prettied the children up for the photograph. Every town is specially prettied up for a visit by the Queen....

    enter for 
    • enter for записывать(ся) (для участия в чем-л.) Has Jim entered for the competition? The teacher enters all her students for the examination. The Queen has entered two horses for the famous race....

    design 2. v. 
    • design 2. v. 3) составлять план, проектировать; конструировать (for) This man designs dresses for the Queen. The mat has been designed specially for the children's room. The family designed the house for their own needs....

    be before 
    • be before а) быть, жить раньше, чем что-л., кто-л. King Henry VII was before Queen Elizabeth I. б) предшествовать чьему-л. рождению No, I don't remember that film, it was before my time. During the war - but that was before your time, of course-it was difficult to get enough eggs. в) обвиняться Peter has been before the court again on a charge of driving while drunk....

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