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    next-door adj. 
    • next-door adj. ближайший, соседний; he is my next-door neighbour - он живет рядом со мной; - next-door to...

    next 1. adj. 
    • next 1. adj. 2) ближайший; соседний; the house next to ours - соседний дом; my next neighbour - мой ближайший сосед; - next door to...

    wave aside 
    • wave aside а) не принимать (во внимание и т.п.); отмахнуться (от чего-л.); Waving aside all opposition to the plan, the Minister spoke about the government's intentions to go ahead with it. б) сделать знак отойти или замолчать; I tried to speak, but she waved me aside and called on my neighbour to speak....

    get onto 
    • get onto а) переходить к чему-л., начинать что-л. другое Let's get onto the next scene now. When can we get onto the next piece of business? б) начинать говорить о чем-л., работать над чем-л. How did we get onto this subject? It has no connection with what we were talking about. в) быть выбранным My neighbour got onto the city council. г) выпрашивать She's been getting onto me for a year to buy her a new coat. д) думать о чем-л. I've got onto a good idea for improving production. е) понимать The children didn't quite get onto what the teacher was saying....

    nose 2. v. 
    • nose 2. v. 6) совать (свой) нос (into); I don't want our neighbour nosing into out affairs, so keep quiet about our plans. - nose about - nose on - nose out - nose over - nose up nose about вынюхивать, выведывать; That policeman should not be nosing about in our garage without a court order....

    escape 2. v. 
    • escape 2. v. 1) бежать, совершать побег (из заключения, плена) (from; to) Two criminals escaped from prison last night. Young people often desire to escape from their parents. The criminals escaped to London. I hear that our married neighbour has escaped to her lover....

    chip in 
    • chip in а) coll. вмешиваться; принимать участие (в разговоре, складчине и т.п.) The conversation was very pleasant until our talkative neighbour chipped in. б) входить в долю; принимать участие в (чём-л.), поддерживать If everyone chips in a few pounds, there'll be enough to help the homeless family. Members of the youth club were asked to chip in a few hours' work each week to help people in the neighbourhood....

    get on 
    • get on а) делать успехи, преуспевать how is he getting on? как (идут) его дела? б) стареть; стариться в) приближаться (о времени) it is getting on for supper-time время близится к ужину г) надевать Get your coat on quickly, the taxi's waiting. д) садиться (на лошадь) Don't be afraid of the horse, get on! е) уживаться, ладить (with) How are you and your new neighbour getting on? Does she get on well with your aunt? ж) продолжать let's get on with the meeting продолжим собрание з) спешить с чем-л. Get on, we shall miss the train at this rate. Get on with it, we've a train to catch!...

    push in 
    • push in а) вталкивать, впихивать; We can't push any more people in, the bus is full! He tried to push more clothes in the case. б) грубо прерывать (разговор и т.п.); We were just having a peaceful conversation when my neighbour pushed in without being asked. в) приближаться к берегу push into а) вталкивать, впихивать (во что-л.); It's impossible to push any more people into this train! б) заставлять, принуждать (делать что-л.); She was unwilling to try, and had to be pushed into it. Some of the students had to be pushed into working for the examination....

    carry on 
    • carry on а) продолжать; вести (дело) carry on! так держать!, продолжайте в том же духе! to carry on hostile acts совершать враждебные действия б) coll. флиртовать (with); иметь любовную связь The director has been carrying on with his secretary. в) вести себя запальчиво don't carry on so! веди себя спокойно!, не злись так! г) продолжать(ся) (о тексте) You'll have to carry that long word on to the next line. Don't stop reading there, the poem carries on over the page. д) возобновлять(ся) Don't let me interrupt you, just carry on. We must try to carry on as if nothing had happened. Carry on, men! Carry on the good work! I shall try to carry on the work in spite of difficulties. We must carry on hoping for the best. е) злиться на кого-л. The people upstairs were carrying on again last night, they had me quite worried. Our neighbour is always carrying on at her children....

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