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    find 1. v.; past and past part. found 
    • find 1. v.; past and past part. found 4) снабжать; обеспечивать 2 a week and find yourself 2 фунта (стерлингов) в неделю на своих харчах...

    find 1. v.; past and past part. found 
    • find 1. v.; past and past part. found 6) leg. устанавливать; выносить решение (against; for) to find smb. guilty - признать кого-л. виновным...

    find 1. v.; past and past part. found 
    find 1. v.; past and past part. found 
    be down to 
    • be down to израсходовать I was down to my last penny when at last I found a job. Thanks so much, I was down to my last cigarette....

    lie about 
    • lie about а) валяться, быть разбросанным; I found this book lying about upstairs; is it yours? б) болтаться, ничего не делать; It's so nice to have the time to tie around in the sun....

    slink out 
    • slink out ускользать, незаметно исчезать We found that the boy had slunk out of the room while we weren't looking....

    stand up for 
    • stand up for защищать, отстаивать; I stood up for him and said I had always found him to be honest....

    remand 2. v. 
    • remand 2. v. 1) leg. отсылать обратно под стражу (для продолжения следствия); The prisoner had to be remanded for a week while the missing witness was found....

    pan II 2. v. 
    • pan II 2. v. 2) промывать (золотоносный песок); Some old miners are still panning for gold in the streams where fortunes were found in the last century. Every year they panned about a ton of gold....

    convulse v. 
    • convulse v. 3) usu. pass. заставить задрожать (от смеха, горя и т.п.) (with) Mary was convulsed with laughter, as she found the man's jokes so funny....

    condemn to 
    • condemn to а) приговаривать к чему-л. In former times a murderer who was found guilty would be condemned to death. б) обрекать His bad leg condemns him to a wheelchair....

    spin off 
    • spin off а) aeron. выйти из штопора; б) развиваться из чего-л.; Many new things found useful in the home have spun off from the machinery of space travel....

    infatuate v. 
    • infatuate v. вскружить голову, свести с ума; внушить безрассудную страсть (with) Grace has been infatuated with that red-haired boy for over two years; it's time she found someone else more suitable....

    • rakeround ворошить (прошлое и т.п.); рыться (в чём-л.); тщательно искать (что-л.), шарить в поисках чего-л.; I spent the day raking around (the house), but found nothing. I've raked about in my memory, but I cannot remember her name....

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