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    SP II Shore Patrol noun 
    lee 2. adj. 
    shear 2. v. 
    • shear 2. v. 5) poet. рассекать, рубить; the sword shore its way - меч проложил себе дорогу...

    pace along 
    • pace along двигаться/идти безостановочно вдоль чего-л.; I paced along the shore, deep in thought....

    be on the beach 
    • be on the beach а) разориться; оказаться в тяжелом положении, на мели б) naut.; sl. быть в отставке Syn: see shore...

    win 2. v. 
    • win 2. v. 2) добираться, достигать; to win the shore - достигнуть берега, добраться до берега...

    touch at 
    • touch at naut. заходить (в порт); Before crossing the ocean, the ship will touch at two small ports on the opposite shore....

    stand 1. noun 
    come about 
    • come about а) происходить, случаться Peace can only come about if each side agrees to yield to the other. It all came about in a way which is worth recalling, if only for the light it throws on our Captain's character. How did it come about that the man was dismissed? б) менять направление (о ветре, корабле) It was too stormy to continue the voyage, so the ship came about and headed for the safety of the shore....

    bush out 
    • bush out а) густо разрастаться If you don't cut off some of the branches, that tree will bush out sideways. б) обсаживать кустарником The men have gone ahead to bush out a safe way across the frozen lake; they can cut down some of the small trees growing on the shore and lay them on the ice to show us where to go....

    bank I 1. noun 
    • bank I 1. noun 7) tech. группа (баллонов, трансформаторов и т.п.) Syn: see shore...

    coast 1. noun 
    • coast 1. noun 4) спуск под уклон с выключенным мотором или без педалей the coast is clear - путь свободен, препятствий нет Syn: see shore...

    littoral 2. noun 
    hold off 
    • hold off а) удерживать; держать(ся) поодаль The ship will have to hold off from the shore until this storm passes Mary tends to hold off from people who try to be friendly too suddenly. б) задерживаться the rain held off till the evening дождь пошел только вечером...

    peer II v. 
    • peer II v. 1) вглядываться, всматриваться (at, into, through); Even after peering at the letter, I still could not recognize the signature. She stood on the shore for some time, peering into the distance, long after the ship had gone. Opening the window, she peered out into the darkness, but could see nothing. There's a hole in the wall where you can peer through....

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