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    send before 
    • send before а) предавать в руки закона Peter was sent before the court last week on a charge of drunken driving. б) представить (вопрос, предложение и т. п.) на обсуждение Your suggestion will be sent before the board of directors at their next meeting....

    break down 
    • break down а) разбивать, толочь The police broke the door down. The old cars were broken down for their metal and parts. б) разрушать(ся) в) сломить (сопротивление) The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition. The prisoner's opposition broke down under repeated questioning. г) ухудшаться, сдавать (о здоровье) You will break down if you work too hard. Peter broke down and was unable to work for a year. д) разбирать (на части); делить, подразделять, расчленять; классифицировать е) распадаться (на части) The figures must be broken down into several lists. The figures break down into several kinds, showing us different ways of looking at the firm's activities. ж) анализировать з) провалиться; потерпеть неудачу Peace talks have broken down in the Middle East. Your health will break down if you work too hard. и) не выдержать, потерять самообладание Peter broke down and wept when he saw the deer that he had shot. к) прекращать работу (о механизмах) The washing machine seems to have broken down again. The car broke down on the way to the airport, and I had to get a taxi. л) распадаться (о химических соединениях) Chemicals in the body break down our food into useful substances. Our food breaks down in the body into useful substances....

    bring to 
    • bring to а) приводить в сознание Peter has fainted, try to bring him to. б) naut. остановить(ся) (о судне) The captain was able to bring the ship to just before it hit the little boat....

    be before 
    • be before а) быть, жить раньше, чем что-л., кто-л. King Henry VII was before Queen Elizabeth I. б) предшествовать чьему-л. рождению No, I don't remember that film, it was before my time. During the war - but that was before your time, of course-it was difficult to get enough eggs. в) обвиняться Peter has been before the court again on a charge of driving while drunk....

    bring before 
    • bring before а) заставить кого-л. предстать перед судом Peter has been brought before the court on a charge of drunken driving. б) предложить на рассмотрение Your suggestion will be brought before the committee at a suitable date....

    camp 1. noun 
    • camp 1. noun 3) лагерь, стан, сторона Peter and Jack belong to different camps - Питер и Джек принадлежат к разным лагерям - in the same camp...

    bottom out 
    • bottom out а) находиться на самом низком уровне The valley bottoms out at the river. б) достичь нижнего предела перед фазой оживления House prices bottomed out in 1974. Peter's feeling of sadness bottomed out and then he began to feel cheerful again....

    bite back 
    • bite back воздерживаться от чего-л. Peter was about to tell the secret but he bit his words back....

    fetch round 
    • fetch round а) приводить домой или на установленное место Why don't you fetch your new boy friend round one evening? We'd like to meet him. б) приводить в сознание Peter has fainted; this bucket of water should fetch him round. в) переубедить We must fetch the rest of the committee round to our point of view. г) менять направление Father always fetches the conversation round to his favourite subject....

    Pete noun 
    bring round 
    • bring round а) приводить в себя, в сознание Peter has fainted, try to bring him round. б) переубеждать We must bring the rest of the committee round to our point of view. в) доставлять Bring the new members round to the meeting tonight. г) изменять направление чего-л. Father always brings the conversation round to his favourite subject. д) naut. повернуть лодку или корабль назад If the wind changes you'll have to bring her round....

    make out 
    • make out а) разобрать; б) увидеть, различить, понять; You can just make out the farm in the distance. в) доказывать; The lawyers tried to make out that Peter had not been present at the accident. г) составлять (документ); выписывать (счет, чек); When you make out the bill, please give me a copy. д) amer. жить, существовать; How did he make out while his wife was away? е) справляться (с чем-л.); преуспевать; how did he make out at the examination? как он сдал экзамен? ж) делать вид; притворяться; дать понять; You can't make yourself out to be younger than you are. He's not such a fool as he's made out to be. з) удаваться, иметь успех; Whatever profession this young man chooses, I'm sure he'll make out all right. и) coll. заниматься сексом; The park was full of lovers making out on the grass....

    drink 2. v.; past drank; past part. drunk 
    • drink 2. v.; past drank; past part. drunk 1) пить, выпить to drink off - выпить много жидкости Peter drank off a whole litre of beer all at once....

    break up 
    • break up а) разбивать (на мелкие куски) to break up into groups, categories делить на группы, категории; классифицировать Freezing weather will break up the soil (into smaller pieces). In spring the ice on the Great Lakes breaks up. б) слабеть в) расходиться (о собрании, компании и т.п.) The crowd broke up. г) закрываться на каникулы When does your school break up? We break up next week. д) распускать (учеников на каникулы) е) расформировывать ж) меняться (о погоде) з) заканчивать(ся) The police broke up the fight. "Break it up!" shouted the policeman. The party broke up when the police arrived. и) разводиться Their marriage broke up. I hear that Jim and Mary are breaking up. It was money trouble that broke up their marriage. к) чувствовать страх, тревогу; пугать кого-л. The terrible news will break him up. The death of his pet cat broke him up. He may break up under this trouble. л) позабавить кого-л. His story broke me up, I couldn't stop laughing. Peter just broke up when we told him what had happened....

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  1. Какой у тебя характер?
  2. IQ
  3. Психологический возраст
  4. Любит - не любит
  5. Кого назначит вам судьба?
  6. Ждет ли вас успех?
  7. Какому типу мужчин вы нравитесь?
  8. Посмотрите на себя со стороны
  9. Какая работа для вас предпочтительнее?
  10. Есть ли у тебя шестое чувство?
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