Российская Информационная Сеть


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    bat around 
    • bat around а) sl. шляться The director has been batting around all day as usual, giving everybody orders. б) sl. обсуждать, прикидывать We batted the plan around for a while, but in the end decided against it as we hadn't enough money....

    put onto 
    • put onto а) соединять (по телефону); I'll put you onto the director, he may be able to help. б) выдавать (кому-л. планы, секрет и т. п.); Who put the police onto our plan? в) снабжать информацией (о чем-л.); Don't go to that shop; I can put you onto a much cheaper one....

    be in at 
    • be in at а) завершать работу Having put all this work into the plan, I want to be in at the finish. б) быть свидетелем исполнения чего-л. I hope to be in at the death when the firm at last signs that big contract....

    come in on 
    • come in on а) присоединиться к чему-л. Can I come in on your plan? б) окружать кого-л., доставляя неудобства I don't like big rooms with crowds of people coming in on me. в) напомнить Suddenly it came in on me that I had left the key behind. Just then it came in on me where I had seen her before....

    be onto 
    • be onto а) связаться с кем-л., особенно по телефону I've been onto the director, but he says he can't help. б) постоянно просить кого-л. о чем-л. She's been onto me to buy her a new coat for a year. в) открывать, обнаруживать что-л. Don't think I haven't been onto your little plan for some time. The police are onto us, we'd better hide....

    fall through 
    • fall through провалиться; потерпеть неудачу The plan fell through when it proved too costly....

    blast off 
    • blast off стартовать (о космическом корабле) The space ship blasted off at 15.30, according to plan....

    peter out v. 
    • peter out v. 3) провалиться, лопнуть; потерпеть неудачу; His plan petered out....

    partake v. 
    • partake v. 1) принимать участие (в чем-л.) (in, of); разделять (с кем-л.) (with); How many workers are partaking in the firm's insurance plan?...

    pattern 2. v. 
    • pattern 2. v. 1) делать по образцу, копировать (after, on, upon); The railway system was patterned after the successful plan used in other countries....

    destine v. 
    • destine v. 2) предопределять the plan was destined to fail - этому плану не суждено было осуществиться...

    unfold to 
    • unfold to раскрывать, открывать; At a special meeting, the scientist unfolded his plan to the government committee....

    sneer 2. v. 
    • sneer 2. v. 2) насмехаться, глумиться (at - над); The opposition sneered at the government's plan but were unable to defeat it. Syn: see scoff...

    superimpose v. 
    • superimpose v. накладывать (одно на другое) (on); The outline of the old prison was superimposed on the plan of the square, so that people could see where it had once stood....

    ballot I 2. v. 
    • ballot I 2. v. 1) голосовать (for - за; against - против) Most of the workers balloted for the new plan. - Многие из рабочих голосовали за новый план....

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